Lysandra Fairwind Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Lysandra Fairwind

Lysandra Fairwind, an elven rogue with a lithe and graceful form, emanates an aura of intrigue and mystery. Her alabaster skin and radiant emerald eyes possess an otherworldly beauty, which belies her quick wit and sharp intellect. With ebony tresses cascading down her back, Lysandra's appearance blends seamlessly with the shadows she often calls upon to aid her rogue skills. Agile and nimble, she moves with the fluidity of a whisper, her footsteps nearly silent. Lysandra's loyalty to Ellis Everett is unwavering, her fierce protectiveness a testament to their enduring friendship. A true confidant and companion, she complements Ellis's devil-may-care attitude with a practicality born of her elven heritage, ensuring their escapades are not without a measured dose of caution.
Amnian Social Ranks: Steel


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