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Everlund is a city of wealth and trading and is one of the greatest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. Located southeast of Silverymoon and situated on the north bank of the River Rauvin, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities.   Everlund is one of the few civilized places in the middle of the rough and untamed wilderness that is the North of Faerûn. It has a rich cultural life and is renowned as a meeting place for all races that were morally inclined towards good.   Everlund is famous for its pervading tradition of magic and artificing, and is home to many notable wizards, sorcerers and other mages.


Elves 41% Half-elves 29% Humans 12% Shield dwarf 10% Lightfoot halflings 5% Gnomes 2% Other 1%


Constitutional Magocratic Republic


The city is defended by the Army of the Vale. The city's barracks and armory are located on the south bank of the River Rauvin between the Knightbridge and Dwarfbridge.


The city was divided into two sections, Northbank and Southbank, divided by the River Rauvin. Northbank was the older section of the city. It was shaped roughly like a half-circle and had three gates in its wall at west, north, and east. A large area known as the Market divided Northbank west and east, cutting from the wall to the Docks at the river. There were many shops around the Docks. The High Palace was located on the eastern side of Northbank, just inside the walls. Most places of worship and the houses of the nobles were also located on the eastern side.   Southbank was originally an area for caravan business and warehouses, but it expanded to become nearly as large as Northbank and was known for containing most of the schools that were part of the famous Conclave of Everlund.   The city was said to contain dwarven tunnels beneath its streets.

Guilds and Factions

Moongleam Tower was the Harper base in Everlund. It was located along the northern wall.
The Arcane Brotherhood was also known to have a presence in Everlund.
As of 1372 DR, other small, local groups included:
The Black Buckler: A loose-knit cadre of rogues and warriors that had a reputation of being absolutely loyal to the person who hired them.
Sarthun's Shield: A small band of aging human adventurers that added pomp to parades, weddings, and funerals, did light bodyguard duty, or expanded the ranks of a merchant's staff to help make an impression.
Tathtard's Rose: A cabal of merchants working in the Silver Marches strictly for the purpose of enriching themselves. Methods included price fixing, creating shortages of certain goods, sharing insider information, and spying.
Inhabitant Demonym
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