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Session 16 - The Floating Bazaar of Benoa the Boundless

Before you floats a single, craggy island. A patchwork of large sails in a variety of exotic colors stretch atop a foliage of palm trees, mango trees, and banana trees ripe with hanging fruit. Tethered to an intricate pully system constantly in motion, the shifting sails have almost a mesmerizing effect with the way the sunlight hits them.   An overgrown stone garden path leading from where you've docked winds up a gentle hilltop. Along the garden path are quaint, wooden signs. One reads, "find rare goods". The next reads, "and priceless artifacts". As you pramanad, enjoying the flowers and the smells of sweet fruits, and the buzzing of pollinators, you approach an iron-wrought gateway -- the great, intricate arch spelling out in elaborate, and rather gaudy flashiness, "the Floating Bazaar of Benoa the Boundless".

Beyond the gate, you enter a wide, mossy, stone terrace -- large containers and beds of plants serve as wild backdrop to the wide variety of objects, artifacts, and trinkets displayed on tables throughout the lush bazaar.

The Crystal Ball of Seeking

"I once had a magnificent crystal ball, truly one of kind. It was wielded by the great seer Ernesto Van Oathar more than a century ago. Alas, I am no longer its owner. An absolutely remarkable tale of adventure and bravery I will not burden your time by retelling, but it is currently locked away in the Museum of Magical Artifacts in Waterdeep."

Inside scoop:
The Curator has moved in high-end aquisitions for many decades. But only as a name, never a face. He used a proxy for the actual bidding. It has only been recently the Curator revealed himself as Zhaal Umazz, Director of the Waterdeep Museum of Magical Artifacts - a post he's had for about six months.

After the shady business surrounding our transaction over the crystal ball youre seeking, it left a sour taste in the mouth. I began searching out any information on him that I can.
Magic items for sale:

Bag of Holding - 300 gp
Null-Magic Manacles - 500 gp
Immovable Rod - 500 gp
Deck of Illusions - 600 gp
Chime of Opening - 1,500 gp
Folding Boat - 1,500 gp
Ring of Evasion - 2,000 gp
Candle of Invocation - 5,000 gp
Market stall
Parent Location


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