A13 - Beach Landing

General Summary

A13 - Beach Landing

1496.SU.54   Finally after a couple of days of difficult sailing the ship could see the Thundercliffs. With the remaining crew unwilling to head in to the caves, the group readied themselves and went by row boat to shore. The ice flows crew watched from a safe distance. On the long row inland two Manticores who had nested on the cliffs swooped down and attacked the row boat. Striking when flying past the adventurers struggled to strike them. However, Mordai and Raziel with their spells and longbow slowly whittled them down. Mean while Albert continued to row always bring the row boat closer to the tiny shore. Suddenly the row boat capsized and the group fell in the water. Luckily they had managed to row far enough inshore that they were able to wade through the water towards the cave entrance. As they neared the beach the ground underneath them moved and they found themselves on top of a giant crab. The giant creature moved around with the group upon its back as they struggled to stay upright. Blasting the hard shell and stabbing at the soft innards the crab reared knocking Albert and Raziel on to the sand below. With two adventurers atop and two below they quickly slew the giant crab.   Badly wounded the group half carried Captain Albert up the shore to find it trapped with trip wires. Finding a small path open to a beached vessel the group carefully moved in. Temporarily resting against the hull of the ship the group could hear the voices of sailors moving boxes and sacks. Listening closely they heard that the sailors had been reduced to salvage clear up and were fearful of Fherelia Stormsworns second in command Gadreille Reefreaver. She was fanatical and worshipped Talos by sacrificing captures and sometimes Talos cultist who she deemed as unworthy. Seeing an opportunity the party revealed themselves and explained they were here to kill Gadreille, and that they wanted the sailors help to do so. In exchange they would be pardoned of any wrong doing and would be free to go. The small group of sailors agree and offer to help hide the party whilst they were badly injured.   Climbing into a small alcove where the sailors had been stashing some of the loot the party took the opportunity to rest and badge their wounds. Already exhausted from the row inshore and fighting of the Giant Crab and Manticores the party all drifted off to sleep.
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
17 Aug 2023
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