A14 - Hornets nest

General Summary

A14 - Hornets Nest

1496.SU.55   Waking suddenly the group realise they had drifted off and many hours had past. However, the sailors had been true to their word and had hidden them. A few of the turn coat sailors directed the party to head north through the cave system to the Gadrielles living area. The turn coat sailors explained that they couldn’t leave their post otherwise it would raise suspicions. When the time was right they would raise up and fight.   Moving further into the dark cave system the group noticed glowing lights coming from a small pool of water. Wadding in they realised that a tunnel lead underwater to another chamber. Holding their breathes they dived underwater and past many glowing fish and plants. Emerging on the other side the party found a small cave which was dimly light. At the far end 3 hags sat upon seaweed beds munching of some form of meat. The hags excited to see outsiders asked question of the latest news, if they would play them music and if they had any grog. The fearful party had none except some boring news and no real gossip. The hags angered attacked seeing them only as food now. As they attacked skulls of the now obvious human remains animated to life and attacked the party. The powerful hags slash at them with long razor claws and fling malevolent spells. But once one was taken down the party were able to combine their efforts in killing the remaining two. After looting the area for anything of use, the party left the cave back through the passage.   Now unsure of the direction from the turn coat sailors, the group decide to head south and follow the beach to the numerous openings they saw as they rowed in. Shortly down the beach they came across an entrance which was stocked high with crates, barrels and chest. Some of the crates were labelled and the party greedily began to open a crate labelled gold. As soon as the lid of the crate was lifted a trap was triggered and a huge explosion blasted Raziel and Albert from their feet. The sounds of shouting alarms across the cave system indicated they had been detected. With both members stunned the group fled the area back towards the beach. From every cave entrance cultist emerged, vastly outnumbered the group backed themselves towards the beached ship, taking snap shots at the chasing cultist.   From an elevated cave entrance a Dire wolf leapt down onto the sands and behind it, it’s master emerged, Gadrille Reef Reaver. Instantly she cast a thick wall of ice at the far end of the cave trapping the group with no means of obvious escape. The few turn coat sailors also trapped at the beach ship began to charge the dire wolf and now beach full of cultist. Making a small line the heroes fired their ranged weapons and spells trying to whittle down the small army before it reached them. Large fire balls blasted groups on the beach but Gadrille begun to dispel some of the spells. Before long the group was locked in a bitter melee. Felling many of the cultists, only to find them replaced with more. The dire wolf made short work of the turn coat sailors and before long the party were surrounded. Albert and Raziel fell to thunderous blows from the cultist hammers and clubs. Whilst Maple was blasted with an ice spell, her gaze slowly darkening seeing her friends all fall. Mordai left bleeding out on the sands with a thousand cuts from daggers and swords.   The party wake some time after being dragged to a pool of water where Gadrille was preparing to sacrifice them. One by one they are dragged into the water whilst the others watch and awaiting the judgement by the God Talos. One of the turn coat sailors is first into the water and after a deep rumble felt below the ground, a huge blast of water erupts from the pools he is blasted into the ceiling of the cave, killing him instantly. One by one the adventurers are taken into the pool and after the ritual words nothing happens. Clearly disappointed Gadrille demands that they are stripped of all their belongings, sent to the “glowing cave” and if they survive that they can go another round in the pool.

Missions/Quests Completed

Survive the Thundercliff caves

Character(s) interacted with

Gadrielle Reefreaver - Second in command of The Talos Anchorites   Jack Dawson - Second in command of the Iceflow
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
21 Aug 2023
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