Gadrille Reef Reaver (Gad-ril)

Gadrille a middle aged human sailor had always been a devout follower of Talos. However with the turbulent seas in the winther of 1496 DR Garille became more zealous. Choosing to leave her ship with a few other Talos worshipping crew she joined the Anchorites of Talos.   Becoming more and more devout and fanatical until even her own crew feared her.   Gadrille and her subordinates enticed unwary ships near to the caverns and destroyed them on the magical reefs. They kidnapped the crew, either sacrificing them to Talos or selling them as slaves. The debris was dragged into the caves and anything of value was salvaged and sold. The cult used the wealth gained from this heinous endeavor to finance agents along the Sword Coast and the High Road who tried to build shrines that would hopefully give them control of the region.   Gadrille with her fiendish pet named "Tooth-N-Claw" and her crew thwarted an attack from the Phanalin and District Shipping Company. However they escaped and ultimately brought down the Anchorites of Talos when they slew the leader Fherelia Stormsworn.   Gadrille and a few loyal crew are still at large, their where about is unknown.
Aligned Organization