A3 - Ghostly visitor

General Summary

A3 - Ghostly Visitor

1496.SU.17   With news of a missing patrol the party decided to visit Thalivars tower for advise from the local wizard. On route up the hill to the tower the party discovered that soldiers how had been sleeping in the tower had abandoned their post due to ghostly happenings the night before. Once Sergeant Hazz Yorrumexplained that Gallio Elibro the local wizard was still at the tower, the party continued up the hill. Before reaching the crest they briefly saw a ghost thought to be a hero of Leilon, however after following it walking into the tower it dissapeared. The party found Gallio who looked drained, pale and sunken eyes. He was deciphering the books and journals of Thalivar and paid little attention to the group. The party exploring the ruined tower, searching the the rooms and rubble. Eventually discovering Thalivars remains on the 4 floor of the tower.   Whilst sleeping the night in the tower the party was awoken by scurrying and scratching coming from outside the tower. Remembering the rumours of a creature climbing through a window on the third floor the party ventured up and cleared enough rubble to squeeze through a gap into a lost room. There they found a possessed Gallio writing in Thalivars journal. When confronted the group realised that it was Thalivar they were speaking to. He had been possessing Gallio each night he went to sleep, however Thalivar did not realise he was dead and thought this was all a dream. Realising that he would not believe or listen to reason the group decided t find something that would convince him.   At the base of the broken tower under all the rubble the group found the remains of Thalivars servant Soapwort. However the tiny fairy body was long dead and the group knew no way to communicate with it. Captain Albert Boatman ran down into the town and brought back Merrygold hoping he had the knowledge. The Priest spent some time casting a talk with dead spell and was able to convince Thalivar that he died during the explosion of the tower. With the knowledge Thalivar crossed over to the otherside and released Gallio, who fell into a deep sleep.   At Dawn Merrygold and the party took Thalivars and soapwort's remains to a high outside Leilon and carried out a burial ritual. .

Missions/Quests Completed

Free Gallio Elibro - From his possession   Put Thalivar and Soapwort to rest

Character(s) interacted with

Sergeant Hazz Yorrum - In charge of the Neverwinter guard detachment in Leilon   Gallio Elibro - Wizard of the many starred Cloak, researching Thalivars Tower   Merrygold Brightshine - Priest of Lathander   Ghost of Thalivar - Wizard who built the tower in Leilon   Soapwort - Servant and friend of Thalivar
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
02 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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