Leilon (Lay-lon)

Leilon is a small fishing town that serves as a convenient resting place for weary travelers on the High Road along the Sword Coast between Neverwinter and Waterdeep. The town was abandoned following the Spellplague, but was rebuilt and was resettled in the late 15th century   Leilon sits on the edge of a shallow mudflat that extended to the Sea of Swords with the crags of the Sword Mountains looming over the town. The original town contained many stone cottages with slate or thatched roofs, the latter covered with hardened mud. As the town was rebuilt in the late 15th century DR, much of the initial buildings were simple wooden constructions. Just to the south of Leilon is the Mere of Dead Men.


In 1358 DR, twenty longships invaded Leilon. The raiders burned farms, stole livestock, and sank eight of the twelve barges. The Lances of Leilon inflicted heavy casualties and drove them off, but the raiders killed almost 200 townspeople and caused three months worth of Leilon's cured fish output to sink to the bottom of the ocean with the barges. None of the longships flew identifying colors, and magical interrogation of the dead provided several different answers including Luskan, Ruathym, Moonshae, and the Whalebones.   The Spellplague of 1385 DR broke the magical wards of the High Tower of Thalivar and released all of its guardians, who then rampaged through the village. Any survivors that did not flee were then subject to the new magical forces from the tower that paralyzed all who looked upon it. Leilon was abandoned at this point and everyone on the High Road took a wide detour around its ruins to avoid the sight of the tower.   1485 DR, Lord Dagult Neverember wanted to support increased trade on the High Road to Neverwinter and ordered the High Tower of Thalivar be torn down. His forces were successful and Leilon's ruins began to be restored and repopulated. The new inhabitants all owed their allegiance to Neverwinter and its Lord.   1496 DR, The White Dragon Cryovain attacked the unprepared town looking for food. Whilst eating large quantities of the fish being prepared for export, she decimated the infrastructure. Almost all of the buildings and were either flattened or so badly damaged they could be inhabited. After the slaying of the Cryovain Lord Dagult Neverember enlisted the aid of the Phandalin District and Shipping Company to aid in the reconstruction of the town.  
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