A4 - Swamp Folk

General Summary

A4 - Swamp Folk

1496.SU.20   Now back on track the party seeking Sergeant Hazz Yorrum's information regarding the patrol and when they were due back. Realised that they were truely over due and the cowardly Sergeant had no intenton of going to look for them. With his information the party was able to work out a rough route the patrol would be travelling into the Mere of Dead men. With the ominos name in mind the group prepeared themselves for a difficult time.   Travelling down the main high road on the outskirts of the swamp, Maple Barkenskin finds signs of a struggle and a trail leading into the swamp. Abandoning the safety of the high road the group travel into the swamp. Maple taking her time begins to find signs of tracks and what she can only describe as slime leading into the swamp. With the only eveidence the party decide to follow the trails.   However eventually the boggy terrain meant that the party lost the sledge like tracks as they dissapeared into a watery area. Whilst trying to find the the tracks again the group stumbled into a pit of giant constrictor snakes. The initial fear slowed the party avoiding the swirling marsh water, however it wasn't long until the trap was sprung and four snakes lunged for the party. Even after constricting a number of the party they were soon made short work of by the might strength of Captain Albert Boatman.   Further into the mere Maple picked up the tracks again and brought the party up to a group of 50 lizardfolk travelling on giant flail snails, pulling cages. Inside the cages they can see the patrol, mostly unharmed but disarmed. Seeing the large numbers the group decide to observe and find an opportunity. After some time of listening the group realised that they were not hostile and planned to use the captive soldiers as a distraction for the rot trolls in order to escape. Revealing themselves to the lizards they found that the majority were elderly or young children. Only a handful of fighters lead the nomadic family. After a tense introduction the party discovered they were being hunted by three rot trolls. Slowly picking off and eating the family. The Lizardfolk and the party agreed to slay the troll in order to save the soldiers lives.   However this was no easy feat. The wickedly strong and resistant rot trolls soon charged into the force and begun picking up and eating those that couldn't defend themselves. However after causing grievous wounds and felling one of the trolls. With Raziel Willow and Captain Albert reeling from their injuries . Mordia firing a huge fire ball into swamp gass ignites a large portion blowing the two remaining trolls into chunks.   As agreed the remaining Lizardfolk release the Patrol and begin their jounrey into the swamp. Returning to Leilon victorious the group spent the next couple of weeks recovering and bonding with the towns people helping to restore the buildings.

Missions/Quests Completed

Locate and Free the Missing Patrol   Aid the Lizardfolk in killing the three Rot Trolls

Character(s) interacted with

Sergeant Hazz Yorrum - Leading the Neverwinter Guards   Hissian - Nomadic Lizardfolk cheif in the mere of deadmen
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
02 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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