Alfonse Kalazorn (Al-fon-z Kal-zorn)

Alfonse Kalazorn, nicknamed "Big Al" for his tall build, is the owner of the Butterskull Ranch.   Alfonse Kalazorn was the sheriff of the town of Triboar until he retired in 1482 DR. As he was bored of retirement, he built up a farm near Conyberry. Big Al's main source of income is the sale of the butter skulls that gave the Butterskull Ranch its name. The farm was thriving and Al had taken on a number of additional hands to help out.   However in the summer of 1496 a tribe of raiding orcs raided the farm, killing all the farm hands. Mnay of the animals were either killed, let loose or escaped. Luckily the PDS Co had a pre-arranged meeting and when Big Al failed to show they went looking for him. Killing the orcs and recovering Petunia his prized cow Big Al was able to get the farm going again.
Ruled Locations