Butterskull Ranch

Butterskull Ranch is a farm owned by Alfonse Kalazorn, the former sheriff of Triboar.   Butterskull ranch raise cattle, horses, pigs, and chickens coops, and grew vegetables, corn, and apples. The ranch is surrounded by wooden fences and a path leads from the Triboar Trail to the two-story farmhouse where Alfonse and his ranch hands live. The Butterskull Ranch got its name because Alfonse sells lumps of butter molded into the shapes of humanoid skulls. The butter is made from the milk of the his prized cow Petunia.   The ranch lies 5 miles east of Conyberry along the Triboar Trail, nestled between two hills on the north side of the road.


Alfonse Kalazorn built the farm as a cattle and horse ranch in the late 15th century DR. Later, he added the pig farm, chicken coops, vegetable gardens, corn fields, and an apple orchard. He began producing his skull-shaped butter mostly to see to towns and cities to the east, although he also did business with Barthen's Provisions in the village of Phandalin to the west.
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