Facktoré (Fact-ora)

A rock gnome originally in the service of the Kings of Gnomengarde. Facktoré helped invent and man the defensive heavy crossbow mechanism.   Often seen as crazed and incoherant the gnome can be difficult to hold a conversation or really get any sense out of her. However her true gift lies in attention to detail and her ability to fix mechanical items.   She was offered a position aboard the Iron Fist airship with the Phandalin and District Shipping company. The party of adventurers were going to hunt down Cryovain and required heavy crossbow contraptions to added to the airship. Facktoré joined the company and has been a member of the airship crew since.   Finding that when the airship reaches high altitudes her mind clears. Other crew members even report that they can hold a converstion with her.
Currently Boarded Vehicle