Phandalin and District Shipping Company

A small company in it's infancy, created by a group of adventurers to profit on their travels about the land. Primarily dealing in shipping and the brewing of ale, however it hasn't been unknown for the company to take on additional roles such as escort and protection duties.   The headquarters of the business are based in Tresandor Manor in Phandalin. A recently reconstructed manor for the purpose of housing the adventurers and storing their treasures. A recent addition to the manor is a docking station for the companies airship "The Iron Fist".   The founding members of the company are Captain Albert Boatman, Raziel Willow, Mordai and Maple Barkenskin. As the company has grown they have employed additional staff including Beric Chamberpot, the companies once Major Domo, Facktoré the companies armourer and inventor and Nilsa Dendrar, a local lad who has out shone the other employees and now become the second in command of the Iron Fist.
Adventuring Party
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles

Articles under Phandalin and District Shipping Company