Mount Hotenow (Hoe-t-now)

Mount Hotenow known to the ancient dwarves as Glaurimm is a volcano amid the Crags mountain range, situated to the northeast of the city of Neverwinter on the Sword Coast North, deep in Neverwinter Wood. It is home to a large population of fire elementals, warming the Neverwinter River to the point where it never freezes over, even in the heart of winter, giving the city its name   After its eruption, Mount Hotenow looked like a set of serrated teeth many described as a "door to the Nine Hells" (or the Elemental Chaos, according to others). A river made of pure elemental fire followed a serpentine path throughout Hotenow's interior and underneath the surrounding mountains and hills of the Crags. Since this period the volcano activity is now mostly under the surface and appears dormant to the unsuspecting. However, the Neverwinter river still remains unfrozen.


Since Neverwinter‘s founding, Mount Hotenow featured in the bedtime stories and urban legends of the city's inhabitants as the home of fire giants, the fearsome red dragon Karrundax, and many other blazing beasts. In the Year of Knowledge Unearthed, 1451 DR, a small adventuring party rediscovered the ancient dwarven city of Gauntlgrym beneath the volcano. The party, consisting of Dahlia Sin'felle, Korvin Dor'crae, Valindra Shadowmantle, Athrogate, and Jarlaxle Baenre, made it all the way to the legendary forges. There, the latter two were betrayed by their Thayan allies, with Athrogate hypnotically forced to activate the forge. This briefly awoke the primordial Maegera, who, in a fit of rage, released a burst of energy so powerful that it forced the eruption of the volcano. The resulting earthquake and combination of smoke and lava destroyed much of Neverwinter, killing thousands. The eruption entirely destroyed the settlement of Thundertree.
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