Good Mead

Founded by immigrants from Chult and the Vilhon Reach, Good Mead is nestled between Redwaters and a nearby evergreen forest. The town’s squat dwellings, adorned with carvings of dinosaurs and serpents, were overshadowed by the two-story structure of the mead hall, its eaves carved and painted to resemble wyverns. As honey is the key ingredient in mead, the town literally buzzed with the droning of bees.   Every tavern in Icewind Dale was accustomed to receiving regular mead deliveries, and the town couldn’t produce or deliver its mead fast enough.   The town was all but destroyed by a dragon attack in 1489 DR, only the mead hall remains. Speaker Olivessa Untapoor has vowed to rebuild the town, and she is likely to receive support from the other speakers to help restore the town's famous mead production.


  • Map of Good Mead

9 Alturiak, 1489 DR

Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: The destruction of Good Mead by Midjourney AI