Session 6: Ain't No Mountain High Enough

General Summary

(Note: Written many weeks after the fact. For that reason, it is not very detailed, and some things will have been forgotten).
  Using Boy as a guide, our heroes set off for Kelvin's Cairn. Taking the road toward Termalaine part way and then cutting cross country. After a day's travel, they arrive at Garret Velryn's base camp, which is abandoned, although the remaining dogs from the sled team are alive and well, if a little hungry.
  After resting overnight, the party begins its ascent of the mountain. After a narrow escape from an avalanche, our heroes discover Garret. He is alive but significantly injured and barely conscious. While tending to his wounds, the party learns that a Yeti attacked the expedition and that other members of the expedition may well be still alive further up the mountain. Garret won't leave until he finds them. The party persuades him to return to base camp while they search for his companions. Reluctantly and unable to climb further, Garret agrees to return to base camp.
  After a few hours more of climbing, the party reaches a cave. Entering, they discover the remains of Mokingo Akannathi among the bones of many other victims and animals. Moving further in, they discover a female yeti and her child. The child is "playing" with a halfling like she is a toy, batting her around like a ball. The party communicates with the yeti mother that they mean no harm and will leave if the halfling can also come. The mother, wishing to protect her child, agrees, and the party leaves with the halfling. As they leave the cave, the male yeti returns carrying a dead mountain goat. He acts aggressively, but by using non-threatening behaviour and with assurance from the female yeti, the party is allowed to leave unharmed.
  She introduces herself as Perilou Fishfinger. She is exhausted from her ordeal but is otherwise unharmed. She mentioned that Astrix, the final member of the expedition, fled further up the mountain when the yeti attacked. She does not want to go down the mountain on her own and agrees to accompany our heroes while they look for Astrix.
  After some further climbing, the party reaches the ruins of an older camp. Unfortunately, the frozen corpse of Astrix is readily apparent. It seems she perished in the cold, not wishing to go near the yetis to get back down. Also here, is another corpse, visible only by a pair of bright blue leather boots sticking out of the snow. This is Barthoom Hammerhome, another unfortunate victim of the yetis.
  The party takes a few hours to make the climb back down, where they meet up with Garret. Repairing his dogsled, the entire party makes the return journey to Targos, where Garret and Keegan Velryn are reunited.

Rewards Granted

A small wooden box containing four scrimshaw figurines:
  • A spouting whale
  • A smiling fox
  • A pair of dancing hares
  • A walrus with the words "BIG LOVE" carved into it

Character(s) interacted with

Rime of the Frostmaiden
Report Date
05 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: Kelvin's Cairn by Midjourney AI