The Northlook

The Northlook is the establishment most frequented by mercenaries and adventurers, and as such, it’s the rowdiest and most dangerous place to stay in Bryn Shander. At the same time, its taproom is the best spot in all of Ten-Towns to get leads on profitable ventures, along with the latest news and rumours. The inn’s proprietor is a retired sellsword named Scramsax

Ol’ Bitey

Stuffed and mounted on a plaque above the hearth in the common room is a battle-scarred knucklehead trout named Ol’ Bitey, who pulled many a fisher into the icy depths of Maer Dualdon before it was finally caught by a human rogue named Kintyre and her companion, a human druid who called himself the Maverick. They hauled Ol’ Bitey to the Northlook hoping to have it cooked for them, but Scramsax bought it from them and had it stuffed instead. Years later, some prankster wizard cast a spell on the stuffed fish so that it turns and snaps at any creature that comes within 5 feet of it. Occasionally, seemingly at random, Ol’ Bitey sings the following verse instead:
There’s a place I like to go
Farther up the river’s flow;
Where it is, I do not know;
Must be under all that snow.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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Characters in Location

Cover image: by Midjourney AI