The White Lady Inn

This musty old inn is named after a local legend known as the White Lady — a ghost rumoured to walk on Lac Dinneshere, haunting the spot where her rich husband drowned. Rinaldo, a self-styled bard kept around to entertain guests, is fond of plucking his fiddle while recounting his tale: that the White Lady’s husband was a miser who kept his treasure in a heavy, locked chest that never left his side. Perhaps it was this heavy chest, suggests Rinaldo, that capsized his boat and sent the man to his sunken grave, or perhaps it was the fright of seeing his dead wife that caused him to capsize the boat and drown. Either way, Rinaldo is certain that the man’s treasure lies at the bottom of the lake, waiting for some intrepid explorer to find it. The inn’s sullen, elderly proprietor, Bartaban, has heard the halfling’s rambling far too often to be humoured by it.
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Cover image: The White Lady Inn by Midjourney AI