Torrga Icevein

Torrga Icevein

Torrga is a shield dwarf bandit captain. While Torg’s is open for business, she keeps her employees close to her. She employs Sephek Kaltro as a bodyguard and pays four others to drive and protect the other two sleds. Torrga is interested only in profits, turns a blind eye to Sephek’s murderous escapades, and tries to help him as best she can without endangering her own life.
Neutral Evil
Date of Death
Midwinter, 1489 DR
Year of Death
1489 DR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the party
Place of Death
East of Bryn Shander
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Torg's by Midjourney AI
Character Portrait image: Torrga Icevein by Midjourney