
The Torg’s caravan consisted of three heavily laden dogsleds, each one pulled by six friendly sled dogs. One sled carried provisions and supplies for Torrga Icevein, her team, and her dogs. It flew a flag bearing the company’s emblem, a gold wolf’s paw on a black field. The other two sleds transported goods for sale, including cut wood, flint and tinder, flasks of whale oil, blankets, furs, rations, bottles of wine, casks of cheap ale, fake medicines, and vials of poison (used primarily for killing vermin).   Torg’s was an outdoor shop. Goods were unpacked and displayed in crates with small canopies to keep the snow off them.


Torg's disbanded shortly after the death of Torrga Icevein
Dissolution Date
Midwinter, 1489 DR
Corporation, Commerce
Parent Organization
Notable Members

Cover image: Torg's by Midjourney AI
Character flag image: Torg's Emblem by Midjourney AI