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Ghelvan the Buzzard

Ghelvan (a.k.a. The Buzzard)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A large, opposing figure with a bald head and scars along his face. The Buzzard is blunt with words and to the point. Not one to debate, usually his imposing figure makes most stand down, and his treachery and backstabbing bring down those that do not.

Personality Characteristics


The Buzzard is in the business he is for money, but also for the pleasure of his craft. Operating the mercenary group the Black Masks has allow the Buzzard to revel in their force. With the blank check the previous governer gave him in controlling Kythyss, he revelled in the force of bringing individuals to his service. With the new Marchioness in charge, he has found at odds with the royal guards the Marchioness has formed. And has had his lieutenants work to find ways around their growing hold.
Current Location
Steedy and dark
Quotes & Catchphrases
Death and Taxes, I deal in both.


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