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Lady Elincia Yllafina

Lady Elincia was once a wealthy and well-respected wizard and scholar who lived in the Boar's Rest manor in Triboar. In 1484 DR, she suddenly disappeared. While this was a subject of gossip among the common people, it was never investigated due to her reputation as an egotistical noble who never had much connection to the rest of the town and traveled frequently. Hyuth Kolstaag moved in soon afterward, and he became the new subject of the town's ire.   Six years later, in 1490 DR, the Turncoats discovered that she had been a specter trapped in the form of Kolstaag's elderly servant, Marge. To the locals, Marge had been a cranky, skin-and-bones human woman who walked with a wooden cane and performed errands for Kolstaag. In truth, Elincia was bound to this form through necromancy and sealed from discussing her past or accessing the large majority of her magic. After Kolstaag's death, the form collapsed, and Elincia was freed. When she encountered the Turncoats, she requested they return her amulet to her from Kolstaag's cellar, so that she could move on.   Lyonya and Hapalop presented this amulet to her, which revealed her true appearance, that of a lich. She quickly teleported away after regaining her power.

A lich that manipulated the party into freeing her and is now set loose on the world somewhere. Also, she probably fucked Ace's terrible mentor.

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1070 DR 1483 DR 413 years old
Hazel (originally), pale blue (in ghost form), pinpoints of red light in hollow sockets (in lich form)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Porcelain (originally), gray and rotting (in lich form)
5' 7"


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