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Triboar is a trading settlement found in the North. It is known as a lively crossroads town full of the hustle and bustle of roaming merchants, caravaneers, and other travelers. Triboar is full of activity all day and night, and has been commonly used as a meeting point for several armies and militaries that banded together when threats appeared in the North.   Although the rivalry between Triboar and the neighboring Yartar was usually friendly, there have been occasions when it erupted into violence over a particular incident. The rivalry began when each town condemned the other for the fate of the Lost Guide, a caravan-driver who disappeared while transporting a shipment of gold between the two settlements.   It is said that the god of rangers, Gwaeron Windstrom, naps in the woods around Triboar-- named Gwaeron's Slumber-- after long hunts. The grove of trees that marks this spot is free of any shrine, but is protected by local laws forbidding its disturbance.


The large majority of the town's residents are farmers that live miles outside of the main town.


The town is ruled by a democratically-elected lord protector. Their task is to command the town's militia and to settle disputes. The town's legal system is called the "Lord's Decrees" and the lord protector has the power to amend this system at will. They also command The Twelve as the law's enforcers.   As of 1490 DR, the lord protector is a Harper by the name of Darathra Shendrel.


The town operates a defense force called The Twelve, which consists of this many mounted patrols that rotated in a tenday cycle. The town can rally together a well-armed militia of fifty rapidly and three hundred in a day.

Industry & Trade

Mountain ponies and other horses are sold in Triboar, along with harnesses and wagons. It features a vast marketplace where local farmers, ranchers and roadside salespeople offer their wares.
Triboar is home to a number of guides, all of whom are knowledgeable about destinations anywhere in the North. While they offer their services for a few mere gold pieces, excluding the cost of food, they require a deposit that covers over a tenday's time.


The Lord Protector's Tower contains a basement-level treasury holding the town's gold and supplies. The Lord-Protector can award mercenaries and adventurers the right to sell their loot to the treasurer, so there is also a vague collection of strange weapons, harvested monster goods, and other knick-knacks, which are occasionally sold to collectors when the town is in need of funds.


Millennia before the Era of Upheaval, the giants and dragons of the North fought a great battle on the land upon which Triboar would be built. The giant-crafted relic known as the Vonindod was used during this conflict.
Triboar, along with Red Larch, were some of the first settlements that were founded in the Dessarin Valley, after the city of Waterdeep grew to prominence around 1000 DR. It is said to have been founded when a member of a traveling group of merchants had to fight off three giant boars threatening the town. This traveler was Aristocypros Pavloulis, but his name has since been forgotten. The merchants then made camp to roast the meat, and decided to settle down in the valley. The lord protector's banner consists of three black boars on a red background to honor this legacy.
Over the centuries, Triboar has been the assembly point for human armies in response to the orc hordes from the mountains in the north along the Surbrin.


Triboar is nestled in the Dessarin Valley, where the Evermoor Way intersected with the Long Road.   As a crossroads town, it's centrally located amidst a number of prominent settlements, including Phandalin (along the Triboar Trail), Yartar (along the Evermoor Way), Westbridge, and Red Larch (along the Long Road).

Natural Resources

The landscape surrounding the town is lush and well-suited for farming.
Alternative Name(s)
The Town Where Only Gwaeron Sleeps
Large town

  • 1001 DR


    The Founding of Triboar

    A man named Aristocypros Pavloulis fought and killed three giant boars that attacked his group of traveling merchants. He and his companions made camp in order to roast the meat, and decided to settle down in the valley.

  • 1490 DR

    9 Tarsakh 23:00

    Assassination of Hyuth Kolstaag
    Criminal Activity

    Ciradyl seduces and poisons Hyuth Kolstaag in his manor in the middle of the night. On the morning of the 12th, the Triboar Militia finds Kolstaag's body and accounts of the Turncoats visiting the manor, and blames a break-in and murder on the party as a whole, though Lord Protector Darathra Shendrel offers the Turncoats a mission in return for clearing their name.

    Additional timelines
  • 1490 DR

    11 Tarsakh

    The Frost Giant Invasion of Triboar
    Military action

    The Turncoats fought along the Triboar Militia and a handful of Triboar's citizens to fend off a frost giant named Drufi and eleven of her clan. They attacked her after she threatened to destroy the town if they did not hand over Artus Cimber, whom she was tracking with a bloodstone.

    Additional timelines


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