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The Turncoats

The adventuring party!
Adventuring Party
  • 1490 DR

    21 Ches

    First Meeting

    Lyonya, Ciradyl, and Rhaan meet at the crossroads on the way to Nightstone. They set up camp, then meet Ascendancy and Hapalop that night.

  • 1490 DR

    22 Ches

    Arrival in Nightstone

    The party arrives in Nightstone, only to find it destroyed and full of goblins. They also meet Andi and Kella.

  • 1490 DR

    24 Ches

    Battle of the Snakes and the Ear-Seekers
    Military action

    The Turncoats (which were, at this point, Ascendancy, Ciradyl, Lyonya, Hapalop, Rhaan, and Andi) and the citizens of Nightstone fend off the Seven Snakes and an orc tribe called the Ear-Seekers.

    Additional timelines
  • 1490 DR

    27 Ches

    First Meeting with Zephyros

    The party (Ascendancy, Ciradyl, Lyonya, and Hapalop) encounters the Tower of Zephyros and ascends the cloud staircase. Inside, they meet Zephyros and learn that there are higher powers invested in them.

  • 1490 DR

    28 Ches
    1490 DR

    9 Tarsakh 11:00

    Nightstone to Triboar
    Population Migration / Travel

    Zephyros transports the Turncoats the rest of the way to Triboar on his floating tower. Once there, Zephyros parks the tower outside Triboar to let the party into town. They meet Erin, Boog, and Lena, then Euodia on the following day.

  • 1490 DR

    9 Tarsakh 23:00

    Assassination of Hyuth Kolstaag
    Criminal Activity

    Ciradyl seduces and poisons Hyuth Kolstaag in his manor in the middle of the night. On the morning of the 12th, the Triboar Militia finds Kolstaag's body and accounts of the Turncoats visiting the manor, and blames a break-in and murder on the party as a whole, though Lord Protector Darathra Shendrel offers the Turncoats a mission in return for clearing their name.

    Additional timelines
  • 1490 DR

    10 Tarsakh

    The Party Explores Boar's Rest

    The newly-formed party (Ascendancy, Ciradyl, Lyonya, Hapalop, Boog, and Euodia) head to Boar's Rest to investigate. Inside, they find the mansion abandoned and magical creatures running amok.

  • 1490 DR

    11 Tarsakh

    The Frost Giant Invasion of Triboar
    Military action

    The Turncoats fought along the Triboar Militia and a handful of Triboar's citizens to fend off a frost giant named Drufi and eleven of her clan. They attacked her after she threatened to destroy the town if they did not hand over Artus Cimber, whom she was tracking with a bloodstone.

    Additional timelines
  • 1490 DR

    12 Tarsakh

    Transportation Upgrades
    Life, Wealth

    The Turncoats sell off the loot they gathered from Drufi and her frost giants. The same afternoon, they purchase a covered wagon and two draft horses to pull it, as well as riding horses for both Ascendancy and Euodia and a war pony for Hapalop.

  • 1490 DR

    13 Tarsakh
    1490 DR

    15 Tarsakh

    Triboar to Noanar's Hold
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Turncoats ride from Triboar to Noanar's Hold with a shipment on behalf of Narth Tezrin. Along the way, they pick up Hirun, after rescuing him from a cyclops.

  • 1490 DR

    15 Tarsakh

    Battle of the Brothers
    Military action

    The Turncoats fight and kill two of Hirun's older brothers, but the middle brother flees to live another day after surrendering and handing over the right to his father's business and savings to Hirun.


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