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Chapter 1: Road to Phandalin

General Summary

Date: 15th of Mirtul, 1491 DR

  Dusk settled in the city of Neverwinter as our new cast of misfits found themselves in the fine and cozy establishment called the Driftwood Tavern, meeting up with Gundren Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter. Gundren had hired the group to deliver his wagon of supplies to the town of Phandalin, rewarding 10 gold pieces for each individual upon completion. If he wouldn't be there, the group could fetch the reward from Elmar Barthen, the owner of Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin.   When all was settled, Gundren informed the characters he'd go ahead, accompanied by Sildar, to "take care of some business." So as the two parted ways, our band of adventurers enjoyed the hearty atmosphere of the crowded tavern and eventually all went to bed, except for Ranvas, who'd spend his night down by the Shining Serpent.   As morning arrived, the group banded together in front of the Driftwood Tavern, and set out to the town of Phandalin. After a few days of travel, the group found signs of an ambush by the Triboar Trail. Upon investigating they deduced the dead horses lying on the road were owned by Gundren and Sildar. Before the group was able to leave the site, a band of goblins managed to ambush them. Surviving the surprise the characters were able to defeat the goblins and survive the encounter with just a few minor wounds.   At last arriving to the town of Phandalin, the group met with Elmar Barthen, requesting the gold that was promised. Elmar treated the group with a cold suspicion on how they managed to get the wagon to Phandalin before Gundren arrived. It was here that Elmar hired the adventurers to look for his missing friend for 5 gold pieces each. The deal was sweetened once Dirinor spotted a barrel of smokespowder in the corner of the establishment; the whole barrel would be gifted to the party, should they learn about the whereabouts of the three Rockseeker brothers, but a satchel of smokespowder would be added if the party would manage to find information on Gundren.   The adventurers did some light shopping and eventually spent the night at Stonehill Inn, run by Toblen Stonehill, a young and bright-eyed entrepreneur, who moved from Triboar with his wife to Phandalin. After breakfast and a quick stop to Barthen's Provisions, the group set out to find their missing dwarf patron.   With the knowledge of Ranvas, and the keen eyes of Dirinor, the adventurers found the goblin trail that lead them to Cragmaw Hideout, avoiding the goblin traps along the way. The group easily defeated the lookouts and manage to calm the three wolves by the kennels of the cave. Upon deeper inspection, the adventurers learned of an internal power struggle within this lair.   Parleying with a Goblin called Yeemik, who had Sildar Hallwinter as its hostage, the group made a deal to deliver the current chief's, Klarg's head to Yeemik for Sildar's life. So the adventurers made their way to the chieftains cavern, where Ranvas who was acting as a bait, was ambushed by Klarg and his minions. The attempt to parley was futile as the bugbear raised its weapon, ready to slaughter the invaders. A battle was begun where the adventurers were eventually able to defeat Klarg with Ranvas shooting him point blank with his crossbow. The last standing goblin threw down its weapons and surrendered, and the group let it live for plans of adopting said goblin to the party. The goblin, Gurbad, told the group it had seen the dwarf they were looking for, but the dwarf was taken to Cragmaw Castle by the orders of King Grol.

Rewards Granted

10gp for delivering the supply wagon to Phandalin.

Missions/Quests Completed

Delivering the wagon to Phandalin.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Characters interacted with Gundren Rockseeker & Sildar Hallwinter in the city of Neverwinter
  • Characters met Elmar Barthen and Toblen Stonehill in the town of Phandalin
  • Characters parleyed with Yeemik, the goblin and fought Klarg, the maddened bugbear
  • Characters spared the life of Gurbad, the last goblin left after the battle with Klarg
Storm King's Thunder
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
05 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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