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Ranvas Pahrunath

Ranvas Pahrunath (a.k.a. The Waterman)

Ranvas is a man of the seas and like the tides his temper changes with his mood. He is living his life freely and that has led him to leave his home waters and look beyond the water surface and learn how the life is above. Ranvas does plan to return to his home at some point after he has seen too much of the things the land has to offer. So far he has told his family that if they want to meet him they should rather look for him themselves above than wait for him at home as he is planning to take his sweet time looking around and learning new things.   In his youth he has always been curious, asking questions constantly and wondering how everything worked. Once he asked what is up above and when he learned that there is something beyond the surface he never stopped dreaming of learning what is it like to live there. He was told that he would have no issues living outside of the water and ever since he wanted to take a walk on the land.   He was born in a family that has taught him about the history of his people and how they were guardians of the seas. They taught him how to fight with a spear and after he has become adult with a tapal. His family was proud of their fighting skills and made sure he didn't miss a thing that they taught. Though he seemed to like the idea of keeping distance than fighting up close.   His family did not like him leaving the waters yet they supported his free lifestyle anyway. Ranvas himself seemed to go with the flow as long as he got to do his thing, to vibe. Though he had to make an excuse to the tribe that he is on a pilgrimage to spread the religious visions with creatures beyond.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is been keeping good care over his body and the days living underwater had made sure everyday was a workout, He is pretty well built due to his aquatic life nature and that gave him a light feeling to his feet once he set foot on the surface.

Body Features

He doesn't seem to have any scars on him giving a hint of a peaceful lifestyle from where he was from. Yet not being in touch with the land he does have a slight difficulties getting accustomed to the atmosphere.

Facial Features

His face ofter looks curious and his eyes ever so shifting. His face itself seems to be rough on the edges and he has pointy fin-like ears. He does have dark green hair growing out of him but Ranvas seems to keep his hair short for one week and long for the other, indecisive. Eyes are green colored and he is squinting a little most of the times.

Identifying Characteristics

Blue skin has given him many stares as there are not many that look like smurfs from the forest. Also the way he stares at everyone gives everyone chills. His voice seems to be little more deep than what many expect.

Special abilities

He has the power of metagaming at his disposal.

Apparel & Accessories

His apparel seems to be of some tribal source as he usually walks around with his family given armor to protect his butt from being turned into fillet.

Mental characteristics


He seems well educated. Especially since he was making sure he was learning everything. He believes that knowledge gives an edge in everything in life. When he lived above the waters he has paid more attention to things and absorbed the knowledge into his fish-brain.   During his time on the land he has been taught many survival skills due to his interests and has been doing some hunting for a while aswell as quests posted by nerds and fat bastards.

Failures & Embarrassments

Didn't sleep with your mom as of yet.

Morality & Philosophy

Ranvas has always went with the flow as he is quite flexible person.

Personality Characteristics


He is very keen on learning many things that happens in the world and is curious to learn how everyone is doing.

Likes & Dislikes

Ranvas has taken liking to the opportunities gold has opened up for him.   Dislikes the way almost everything is being dependend on gold.


Contacts & Relations

He is trying to earn his living on the land just like he has in the seas. Tries to earn his keep and because he is determined to go and see many places he has established connections with few people who taught him the ropes of the land living.   The Emerald Enclave was a huge help with his first days on the land. This is where he has learned most of the things about living off the land and has gotten some work to do. He did not join the faction as of yet but should he feel comfortable enough living above water he might do so to earn some coin.



Wealth & Financial state

Poor as dirt.

Ranvas is a very curious Triton born in the Sea of Fallen Stars and has left his home with the goal to see the life of land creatures for himself. He wants to see all he can and tell about it to his family.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Waterboy, Waterman, Fishbrain, Fishfucker, Fishsticks, Aquaman
Sea of Fallen Stars
Dark Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Blue
142 cm
93 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"This place seems kinda dry, I'll go check somewhere else"

This article has no secrets.


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