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Chapter 8: The Red Sunset

General Summary

Date: 29th of Mirtul, 1491 DR

  The adventurers split off as Dei and Dirinor ran to catch up with the Ranvas who was strolling outside. Meanwhile the rest of the Butcherers of Phandalin who stayed inside the Townmaster's hall tried to come up with a plan to reveal the identities of the shapeshifters. Thah sliced his palm, which would indicate a fresh wound, something that the doppelgangers couldn't know if they tried to take up one of the forms of the adventurers. As the planning went on, Firbo decided to regroup with Dirinor, leaving Thah, Bene and Ranvas alone inside the building.   The triton with torn out trousers and a worn leather gambeson was met with Dei and Dirinor. The two didn't know whether this Ranvas was real or the assassin in disguise so they tried to usher him to follow them. When Ranvas wasn't inclined to follow and demanded answers from the two, the conversation spiraled into a chase. Ranvas desperately ran towards the Stonehill Inn, pushing aside the villagers, who've crowded the entrance. At this point Firbo was able to catch up with the rest of them, seeing Dei and Dirinor flanking "Ranvas" inside the common room. After avoiding the grappling of the stout dwarf and the binding magic of Firbo, Ranvas sprinted towards his room to find it empty of his gear. Dirinor was able to calm the distraught triton by tucking away the rope and explaining him the doppelganger situation the adventurers were dealing with. The rest of them eventually decided to return to the Townmaster's Hall to regroup with the other adventurers.   The bustling town was now awake, as several of the townspeople were staring the group as they marched through the town square. As the party opened the double doors of the house they were met with a gruesome sight:   The still body of Thah laid in a puddle of blood on top of the stairs, his confused, yet empty stare meeting with the party as they came inside. Further they found the body of Ander, the young store clerk who volunteered as a town guard under Sildar's supervision. His throat was sliced violently, his eyes struck by fear and agony. A small dried up tear still trailed along his cheek. On the corner of the room slumped the body of Sildar, his throat slashed as well, dripping on to the floor. Ranvas and Bene, who were left inside were nowhere to be seen. Halia Thornton was still shaking on the corner of the room and hiding under the desk was Harbin Wester.   Shocked, saddened and enraged, the adventurers were now left with three more murders and no clue as to where the assassins were. Dirinor transformed into a hound, to track the scent of the assassins, while Ranvas pinned Halia to the wall, demanding answers. When the woman was of no help, the party left the scene, pursuing the assassins. The scent led them through the back alleyways of Phandalin, eventually sprouting to the main street. From there, they spot a familiar figure wandering in the town square.   Bene, still dazed and confused was trying to piece together what had happened the night before. These thoughts shattered quickly as he saw a massive Firbolg dashing towards him. When the rest of the party managed to catch up they noticed that this Bene had his gear missing as well. Tagging him along, the party continued to follow the scent to the edge of town, few miles to the north-east. The scent transformed with the original, now adding a strong smell of acid when the adventurers arrived the the edge of the woods. They decided not to follow it, since Bene and Ranvas were without gear and the party was afraid of an easy ambush in the forest. The party turned back and headed towards the Townmaster's Hall.   The town square was now packed with individuals who whispered to each other as the group arrived there. The Townmaster's Hall had posted guards outside, seemingly villagers who've taken up arms. They let the adventurers enter inside where they met a group of armed villagers, led by Linene Graywind. Linene demanded the adventurers to surrender their gear and be jailed, until trial would be held. Halia Thorton, who was hiding behind the villagers suggested that the spellcasters of the group would be muffled and shackled as to "further diminish their powers to harm the villagers". The adventurers complied and were ushered underneath the Townmaster's hall, into the jail cells to await their trial.   Few hours later, as dusk arrived to the town of Phandalin, Firbo and Dirinor noticed some movement outside the jail cell window. Suddenly to their surprise, vials of alchemical fire were thrown through the window, engulfing the cell into flames. The others began screaming for guards as Firbo desperately tried to put out the chemical flames that were burning Dirinor's face. The guards rushed in, opened the cell and led the adventurers out. While escorting the prisoners, Ranvas noticed one of the guards pulling up a blade and striking it through the back of Firbo.   The assassins were back, slaughtering both Dirinor and Firbo as their friends desperately tried to pry open their cage. Dei managed to quickly lockpick the door and battle ensued. Bene rushed out to alert the guards upstairs as Ranvas was burning with rage, armed with a snapped-off bar from the jail cell. The doppelgangers tried to play out a feint, trying to convince the guards that followed Bene that the prisoners attacked them. Fortunately, the evidence was stacked up against them, though the guards had no idea how to handle the situation. They tried to usher both parties into the cells, but Ranvas kept bludgeoning one of the doppelgangers. The other one saw his opportunity to escape and dashed out, while the guards tried to tackle Ranvas. Bene and Dei pursued, leading them upstairs into the main room of the Townmasters hall.  
Battle in the Dungeon
The doppelgangers have killed Dirinor and Firbo, the rest of Butcherers engage.
"Hope the others make it at least"
  Bene finally managed to catch and grab the doppelganger. The doppelganger switched from escaping to engaging and knocked Dei unconscious. While trying to hold off the assassin, Bene heard a sickening crunch as the doppelganger managed to crush Dei's neck who laid helplessly on the floor. Getting an elbow to his face, Bene fell down, his vision blurring as the doppelganger made for his escape. At this time, both Ranvas and the guards had managed to make their way upstairs, leaving the bludgeoned corpse of one of the doppelgangers into a cell. They made for a chase and as the doppelganger and Ranvas headed outside, Ranvas was able to cut the doppelgangers back, plummeting it to the grass. The doppelganger turned with a grin, stating its allegiance, but Ranvas didn't let it finish. He carved the doppelganger, slashing its torso until no sound could be heard from it.  
  Returning back inside, Bene was stabilized and as two of them stood there, the realization of the enormous loss they endured finally overwhelmed their adrenaline. Ranvas took charge and picked Bene up, they would have to find the authorities. That's when a familiar dwarf voice echoed from the entrance. Gundren Rockseeker was alive, standing next to Sister Garaele on the front doors.   Beaten and bruised, the last surviving members of the Butcherers of Phandalin are now faced with a conundrum. Is the dwarf really alive? If he is brought back from the dead, would they too have a chance to bring back their lost ones? Or is the dwarf another hidden assassin, here to finish the job of its comrades?   This day will be remembered as the Red Sunset.  
The Aftermath of Battle
"We fucked up"
The Aftermath of Battle
Finally killed the doppelganger, Ranvas comes to find Bene alive.
"It is what it is"
The DM
A frustrated sigh as the DM realizes most of his players are dead.
Storm King's Thunder
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
04 Sep 2021
Primary Location


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