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Dirinor Blackbanner

Dirinor originated from Storm Horns, the Blackbanner clan. He was raised to be a smith but disagreed with the way his clan treated natural resources and left to help maintain the balance between people and wilderness.   Dirinor was born in the Storm Horns to a smith family. His parents had made a business supplying the nearby towns and villages with weapons and armour and taught Dirinor the secrets of the craft. Being around friends and family who were specialised in trading and selling got Dirinor into trading as well. However, he disagreed with his clan's visions about natural resources being there only to be used without limits because he had always enjoyed being in nature more than making weapons. This mindset difference affected Dirinor so badly that he decided to leave and learn more about fauna and flora, deciding to turn this into his profession in stead.   Dirinor was murdered in Phandalin by the doppelgangers sent by the Black Spider.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Dirinor's face had some wrinkles from frowning and old age. He had a long thick beard which he kept braided. His green eyes had sunk a bit in his face but looked around alert.

Identifying Characteristics

Dirty clothes :D

Physical quirks

Braided hair and beard like traditional Gold Dwarves, however his look like the braids have been made a long time ago and not opened since. He might also have some leafs or flowers in his hair from walking in the wilderness.

Apparel & Accessories

He wore a dark green cloak and similar coloured hat. Underneath he wore leather armour. He had shoes made for long trips.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dirinor was born in the Storm Horns to a smith family. His parents had made a business supplying the nearby towns and villages with weapons and armour and taught Dirinor the secrets of the craft. Being around friends and family who were specialised in trading and selling got Dirinor into trading as well. However, he disagreed with his clan's visions about natural resources being there only to be used without limits because he had always enjoyed being in nature more than making weapons. This mindset difference affected Dirinor so badly that he decided to leave and learn more about fauna and flora, deciding to turn this into his profession in stead. In Dirinor's youth, the Sword Coast wasn't as developed as it is now and he easily managed to find an herb specialist who mostly made healing mixtures for the nearby towns. He allowed Dirinor to become his apprentice because he was hardworking. Soon after starting his apprenticeship, Dirinor realized this man possessed some sort of magic powers because his potions always were more functional than he'd ever seen. He worked for the druid for years, slowly learning more about the druidic craft. After this Dirinor felt it was time to start his own business and travel to places with new things to learn. With the gold he had earned, he bought a small wagon and a mule. He also received some plants and herbs as a parting gift from the druid. Dirinor was now already almost a hundred years old yet had only rarely been to cities or towns that were not in the Storm Horns. This did not bother him as he had always preferred staying in the outskirts of towns. Slowly but surely he learned more about the Savage Frontier and made enough money to get by with his small business. Once, when in need of money near Waterdeep, he was hired by the Greyhands to be their torchbearer but that made him want to stay a merchant more than ever before. After finding out about the Emerald Enclave, he traveled to the House of Silvanus to do his part in maintaining the balance between humanoids and nature. He had noticed that much like his relatives, other races were equally greedy and happy destroying nature for their own benefit. Dirinor despises these people and is always reserved around new people because he does not want to make friends with these people accidentally. Currently, Dirinor is in the Circle of Earth, trying to improve his abilities so he can demonstrate his druidic abilities to proceed to the next rank. While visiting his relatives in Nether Mountains, Dirinor stopped by Everlund to sell some items. However, he was not doing that well and saw another creature who looked he might need some help. He beckoned the Firbolg over. The Firbolg and him made acquaintances and bonded over their care for nature. Firbo made performances with his instrument and attracted customers and Dirinor let him tag along for a while. After a few months of traveling together, they were attacked by goblins and only barely escaped. Luckily, Neverwinter was closeby.

Gender Identity





Dirinor has received full education in both smithing and herbology.


He worked at his parents' smithy since his youth to adulthood. Now he is a self-employed merchant selling herbs, plants and other items of interest from nature.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was very proud to be a member of the Emerald Enclave, which he respected immensely.

Failures & Embarrassments

Dirinor considered it his greatest failure that he could not make his clan or even his family understand the consequences of overusing natural resources. He could get embarrassed if someone mistakes him to be similar just because he is a Gold Dwarf.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dirinor was a dwarf of average intelligence, he may not always be the smartest but gets by fine.

Morality & Philosophy

He believed that humanoids and nature should exists in balance, helping each other survive. He hated the exploitation of resources for personal gain.

Personality Characteristics


Protect nature and learn from it. Help those who need it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Dirinor was good at surviving in nature and finding various plants where others might not notice. He was not very charismatic and cannot hold up a conversation very well.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoyd collecting plants (his favourite is Juniper, which his druidic focus is made out of) and exploring new locations. He disliked long conversations with random people and those who do not care for nature. Does not like unnatural monsters and is terrified of them


Contacts & Relations

Dirinor was an only child, his father Dain and mother Kathra took good care of him but now they rarely speak or write to each other. They were on good terms, but their relationship has cooled over the years.

Family Ties

His family and clan at Storm Horns. The Druid near Cormyr. His relatives at the Nether Mountains.

Religious Views

Dirinor was not particularly religious but respected the gods, especially Silvanus; god of nature and druids and Waukeen; protector of merchants.

Hobbies & Pets

Dirinor had a trusty mule called Betty, but it stolen by goblins during the same attack in which his wagon was destroyed.


Dirinor had a typical accent for Dwarves; full of hard consonants in whichever language he speaks.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Death
29th Mirtul
Year of Death
1491 DR
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
4,5 ft.
150 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Druidic


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