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Loudwater, called the City of Grottos, is a town that sits on the confluence of the Delimbiyr and Greyflow rivers in the Delimbiyr Vale. It's a picturesque garden city home to a pleasant and thriving cosmopolitan community of humans, half-elves, elves, and many other races. It is also the home of Mielikki's chosen, the Green Regents and their Scions, and thanks to their efforts the town serves as the very image of her faith.


The town is ruled by the High Lord of Loudwater. The current High Lord is Telbor Zazrek, a mage and retired adventurer.


The High Lord is served by two Gauntlets who command the city's militia; Gauntlet of the Eastern Marches and the Gauntlet of the Western Matches. The militia comprises of 300 warriors, divided into patrols of 20. They are known as the Loudwater Guard.

Industry & Trade

Loudwater thrives as a hub for agriculture and trade in northwest Faerûn. Locals farmed, fish, and service caravans, enjoying delicacies like szorp fish and renowned cheeses ripened in local caves. During the mid-to-late 14th century DR, Loudwater served as a pivotal point along the Delimbiyr trade route, controlled by the Zhentarim. Despite the decline in trade after the Spellplague, it remained a secure stop for merchants and travelers. However, by the late 1480s DR, Loudwater faced economic strain due to high living costs, inflated prices, and Zhentarim-imposed taxes on non-Zhentarim goods.


Early History: Netherese refugees settled the area after Netheril's fall. Elves from Eaerlann also inhabited it. Dwarves built the Flying Fish Bridge. Human pioneers from Waterdeep later settled, sponsored by Waterdhavian families.   The Rensha Rule: The Rensha family from Calimshan conquered Loudwater, ruling for 165 years until Nanathlor Greysword rebelled. After defeating the Renshas, he restored prosperity by ending destructive practices.   14th century DR: Various conflicts occurred, including attacks by wicked beings and lycanthropes. Members of the Kraken Society, a coven of green hags, harpies, pirates, and priests of Bane were also operating in secret in the city at this time. In the autumn of Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, Malarite lycanthropes of the Thicket attacked the city after a blood-red moon appeared in the sky. For three bloody nights, they raided the city and homesteads, forced people out of their houses, and engaged in frenzied hunting and slaughter.   15th century DR: Loudwater suffered a decline after the Spellplague but remained a frontier town. It faced challenges from goblins and stone giants. the town came under attack by goblins from the Barrow of the Ogre King IN 1479 DR, who were intent on retrieving a sacred dagger which had been stolen from their lair. After 1485 DR, the wizard Telbor Zazrek was the High Lord of Loudwater. When the stone giants of the Graypeak Mountains rampaged through the Grayvale, refugees streamed into Loudwater. These folk were forced to stay in warehouses by the river, as the inns were too expensive, if not full.


Loudwater lies in the Gray Vale at the confluence of the Delimbiyr River and the Grayflow. In this stretch, the Delimbiyr is especially wide, giving the settlement enough room for a modest harbor.
Founding Date
-339 DR
Alternative Name(s)
City of Grottos
Related Reports (Secondary)


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