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Chapter 55: We Should Buy A Boat

General Summary

Date: 17th of Uktar to 21st of Uktar, 1491 DR

  Exhausted, the heroes struggled ashore from the murky Dessarin River while the Grand Dame sunk to its bottom. Bene dragged the unconscious cook from the water, saving his life. As Malug woke up, grateful to savior, accepted a job Bene gave him as a cook for the Good Place. As the pale moonlight shone across the planes of the Dessarin Valley, the heroes hiked back to Yartar.   Rushing to the city docks, the heroes managed to retrieve their weapons and armor. Then, staring at the other belongings, knowing that their owners were currently fish food, Bene decided to relieve some of the items from the chests while Nomime distracted the guards with her magic. The adventurers sought refuge in an inn for the night, sleeping until dawn.   During their morning activities the heroes decided to meet with the Waterbaroness Nestra Ruthiol who might help them in contacting the Hand of Yartar. Nomime and Ranvas gained an audience while Belros, Bene and Nut were staying outside the palace.   Nestra Ruthiol wasn't too sad, hearing of the demise of Lord Drylund. She however agreed to arrange a meeting with the Good Fellas and the Hand of Yartar, but it would take a few days to do so. The conversation came to a hault as a group of cultist led by a giant blue half-dragon burst into the room, intent to assassinate the Waterbaroness.   Nomime unleashed a devastating Fireball that decimated most of the cultists in an instant. The half-dragon charged towards the wizard, grabbing her and jumping off the balcony. The cultists stabbed Nestra, nearly killing her, as Ranvas fired bullet after bullet, dropping the cultists one by one. Nomime used Misty Step to return to the balcony, leaving the half-dragon plummeting to the ground below.   Soon enough, Bene and Nut arrive to the scene. Nut and Ranvas began raining fire upon the escaping half-dragon. They decide to make chase as Ranvas, Bene and Nut jump off from the balcony. Belros, coming in last, recognizes a familiar face among the corpses of the cultists, as flash of fond memories briefly fill his mind.   Bene and Ranvas chase the half-dragon through the street, gaining on it. It turns around and unleashes a devastating lightning breath that affects little against the heroes, but vaporizes the innocent bystanders. Amidst the crying and screaming, the heroes managed to subdue the cultist leader, bringing it in for questioning.   The half-dragon knows it's life is forfeit so the heroes learn little to nothing from it. Bene concludes the interrogation by cutting off its head. They bring it to Nestra who offers her gratitude to the heroes. They make a deal to rendezvous with the Waterbaroness in a few days to meet with the Hand of Yartar. Yet, an urgent summon from Leosin Erlanthar redirected their course towards the town of Loudwater.   Utilizing the Harper teleportation network, they arrive to Loudwater to meet with Leosin in the Bookworm Inn. Leosin, clearly sleep-deprived, has been tracking the Cult's activities for months now. After sharing what they know with the half-elf, Leosin tells them that the Cloud Giant Castle they seek is currently docked in Parnast and is ready to leave within days from now. Leosin also tells them that the cultists have been gathering a hoard of treasure that is most likely in the castle.   With time pressed upon them, the heroes acquire steeds and race from the city. Galloping across the Grayvale Run, it will take them a few days to reach Parnast.  Will the heroes make it in time? Can they find King Hekaton? Whose familiar faces might be lurking within the Castle in the Clouds?

Rewards Granted

  • Amulet of Devotion
  • Bracers of Flying Daggers
  • Dagger of Blindsight
  • Gnomegarde Grenade

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder
Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
19 Feb 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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