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Leilon is a ruined town encircled by an earthen rampart. To the southwest, new settlers attempt to build docks for barges, made to cross the marsh and meet merchant ships in the sea.   Outside of town, a settler camp nestles under the trees alongside the High Road. At the center of town, the House of Thalivar, a wizard tower, rises like a beacon, four times the height of every other building. The town lies in ruin, but the settlers from Neverwinter work quickly, clearing and reconstructing.  

Rumors & Legends (Historical)

  Despite the high quality of law and order in the town, there had long been rumors of the Cult of the Dragon and the Zhentarim operating within the town walls. The presence of Zhent agents may have indicated an attempt to secure a trade route. There were also tales of local cults who worshiped undead wizards or spirits of the mines.   There was, in fact, a Dragon Cult cell in Leilon that had dealings with a black dragon living in the Mere of Dead Men named Voaraghamanthar.  


  In the 14th century DR, Leilon was the base of operations of the adventuring company known as the Swords of Leilon. A number of these adventurers were killed during the Spellplague.


A town council consiting of four members.   1. Grizzelda Copperwraught - Lord Neverember tasked this gruff female dwarf with overseeing Leilon’s construction work. Behind her back, the townsfolk call her “The Growler.”   2. Jack Torver, the newest council member. He is a devout worshipper of Lathander and attends the shrine’s services each morning, then offers advice from the sermons to his customers.   3. Merrygold Brightshine - This amiable halfling is the local priest of Lathander, god of light. Merrygold helped found the town following its reconstruction and is loved by its people.   4. Valdi Estapaar - Lord Neverember gave this half-elf female the job of overseeing the town’s fishing industry. With the recent opening of the quayside, she’s now one of the most important figures in town.   Former - Sergeant Hazz Yorrum - This slovenly male Damaran oversees Neverwinter’s soldiers but defers to the town wizard Gallio Elibro for most decisions.


Leilon did not have defensive walls, but instead had an earthen rampart with a wooden palisade and surrounding ditch. This protected it on the landward side except for the gateless entrance. It has a limited amount of guardsmen from Neverwinter.   The Leilon military, known as the Lances of Leilon, consisted of a force of 200 mounted soldiers. Each was fully armed with sword, axe, knife, lance and a light crossbow that could be fired from horseback with great skill. They wore chain mail with shields strapped to their chests and backs. These warriors were always on patrol, vigilant against raids by orcs, trolls, bugbears, bandits, and pirates. They also placed heavy guard on the mines, upon which much of Leilon's economy depended.

Industry & Trade

Trade by sea was dangerous, as the method required to transfer cargo from ships at sea to the land through the shallow mudflats was perilous. A fleet of a dozen barges, magically warded against fire and rot, were poled out to meet the ships, whereupon cargo was transferred using rickety cranes that were impossible to use in high winds. Instead of relying on this form of trade, most of Leilon's imports came by caravan out of Waterdeep. Leilon's eastern mines contained copper, nickel, and silver that was sold to Waterdeep merchants.   Once a month (except during winter) a band of gnomes came to Leilon to engage in trade. They were from the gnome village of Ieirithymbul in the western Sword Mountains and were watched over by their protector, the gold dragon Palarandusk.


The Mines of Leilon lay east of the town, and contained rich deposits of copper, nickel, and silver. They were heavily guarded by the Lances. The mountains were networked with many tunnels and shafts, some of which opened into the town itself.


(Historic) Leilon was a small mining town that served as a convenient resting place for weary travelers on the High Road along the Sword Coast between Neverwinter and Waterdeep. According to Volo, northerners generally pronounced it LIE-lon while non-locals who learned the name from a map typically chose one of the other possible pronunciations.   The town was abandoned following the Spellplague but was rebuilt and was resettled in the late 15th century DR.   The town of Leilon was once a fortified settlement on the High Road, midway between the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep. The settlement has been destroyed and rebuilt many times in its long history. The Lord Protector of Neverwinter, Dagult Neverember, recently hired a group of his citizens to rebuild the town, a construction project now well underway. They hope to create a fortified waypoint for travelers and merchants that can ward off the threats of the surrounding wilderness.   Two hundred years ago, the wizard Thalivar made his home here and raised a tower at the town center to conduct his mystical studies. The House of Thalivar was topped with a planar beacon that lured creatures from other planes into the structure, trapping them there. After Thalivar mysteriously disappeared, the people of Leilon were content to leave his tower and the monsters within alone.   The Spellplague, a divine phenomenon that twisted Faerûn’s magic, corrupted the tower’s defenses. The creatures sealed within were freed to attack Leilon, and the magic of the planar beacon was redirected back into the Material Plane, causing humanoids who looked upon it to become paralyzed. Leilon was quickly overrun and subsequently abandoned and has remained that way for more than a century.   The first action the soldiery of Neverwinter took in Leilon was to destroy the planar beacon inside the House of Thalivar.

Points of interest

Shrine of Lathander

This shrine to Lathander, god of light, was the first temple to be reconstructed in Leilon. Merrygold Brightshine, an outgoing young female halfling cares for the shrine and offers council to any who pray at the small stone altar to Lathander within. She conducts services at the shrine each day at dawn.   Merrygold casts the cure wounds spell for a donation of 10 gp to the shrine and the lesser restoration spell for a donation of 20 gp.  

Settler Camp

  Circled wagons, tents, cook fires, and supply crates comprise the sprawling settler camp outside town. Most the town’s business takes place here, as the town council gathers regularly to plan the reconstruction and discuss any threats in the region.  


    The fishery building serves as the town hall. During the day the warehouse hosts several fishing-folk selling their daily catches at stalls and merchants who sell and repair fishing equipment. Thee fishery is run by Valdi Estapaar  

Aubrey’s Peculiarities Shoppe

This shop is crammed with curiosities dredged from the ruins of Leilon: old fishing rods, swamp idols, mining helmets, and other oddities. A whimsical Illuskan male named Aubrey Silverspun runs the store.   A painted tryptic above the counter shows three adventurers: a dark-skinned warrior woman, a red-bearded dwarf, and a third whose portrait has faded with age.  

House of Thalivar

  The House of Thalivar perches on a rocky crag in the center of town. The locals shun the place, and the bluff is overgrown with brambles and thorn bushes. A beaten trail made by soldiers winds up to the foot of the tower.   Two hundred years ago, the wizard Thalivar settled in Leilon and raised a high tower as a laboratory for his magical studies. Thalivar’s field of interest was the planes of existence. At the top of his tower he erected a planar beacon that shone into other worlds, drawing strange creatures like moths to a flame and paralyzing them for his studies. Over the years, the reclusive wizard filled the tower’s library with his research and built an impressive menagerie of monsters.   One summer, Thalivar stopped visiting the town for supplies. The locals who entered his tower to investigate didn’t return, and the House of Thalivar became a shunned site at the heart of Leilon, drawing adventures from afar to plumb its mysteries for treasure. When the cataclysmic Spellplague wracked Toril, the magic of the tower’s planar beacon was redirected outward into the town, freezing the inhabitants where they stood and bringing ruin to the settlement.   Forces from Neverwinter tore down the planar beacon and are refurbishing the tower for use as a garrison building. These efforts are led by Gallio Elibro, a powerful wizard and ranking member of the Order of the Many-Starred Cloak.   This wizard’s tower has been recently rebuilt as a garrison for the Neverwinter soldiery. Gallio Elibro is a brooding middle-aged male Rashemi. He came to Neverwinter to find and unlock the secrets of the House of Thalivar. Gallio has found many coded journals inside the ruin, which he decrypted.   Gallio does not talk much about his work with adventurers but is willing to cast spells in exchange for gold. The mage casts the legend lore spell for 400 gp.  

Greenbottle Inn

  A smallish tent has been set up on the high road between the settlers camp and the ruins of Leilon to serve as a place of rest and relaxation for the settlers of Leilon. Aubry Greenbottle is has taken the mantle of manager and has begun coordinating the delivery of foodstuffs to be used in the restaurant portion of the inn. Milo has used his skills in carpenty to creat tables and chairs for the establishment.  

Barge Yard

  Six mud-covered barges are chained together and beached at the edge of Leilon where the town meets the marsh. The barge master is a gruff elderly female dwarf named Rorsta Anvilhand. She rents a barge for a tenday for 10 gp.  

Idol Island

  Idol Island rises from the marshes a few yards from Leilon. It contains the remains of crumbled statues of forgotten human nobles. The settlers claim to hear whispered voices on the island at night, inviting them to view their destinies. If they characters walk by the island at night, they hear these whispers as well.  

Town Square

  The Leilon town square has become a place where local vendors and those passing through town can set up stalls to sell their wares. One vendor, a female human blacksmith named Zana Taylish, is a resident of Leilon who sells armor and weapons.  

Torver’s Post

  Jack Torver is an optimistic young male Turami human who just finished building Leilon’s new (and currently only) general store. He is a devout worshipper of Lathander and attends the shrine’s services each morning, then offers advice from the sermons to his customers.   Jack sells standard adventuring gear, with the exception of potions of healing.  

Tymora Shrine

  A shrine to Tymora, goddess of luck, was recently erected in Leilon. Puck Caribdas, a lithe, rambunctious male elf, runs the temple and sells potions.  

Umber Hulk’s Shell Inn

  Alion Malwyn, a kind-hearted, nonbinary Illuskan human, runs this newly constructed two-story inn. A bed for the night costs 5 sp, while a meal costs 1 sp. If the characters stay here, Alion shares a tale from another traveler with them.  

Locations in the 14th Century DR

  Inns and Taverns
  • The Dusty Gnome Tavern, a boisterous establishment frequented by miners after a long day of work.
  • The Knight's Goblet, often referred to as the Goblet, was a tavern which catered to travelers and was described by Volo as "clean, boring, and overpriced". The proprietor roasted whole boars in the taproom hearth and served large loaves of bread with large slabs of meat.
  • The Orc's Tusks: Referred to as the Tusks, this was the favored tavern of the locals. It was friendly, crowded, and cheap. The taproom was dominated by an orc skull with large tusks on which the patrons liked to hang various amusing items.
  • The Rutting Buck was an always loud and bustling tavern in the middle of town.
  • The Sword of Leilon inn was a virtual labyrinth of small rooms where guests often got lost and wandered by accident into other people's rooms. It was built on the site of an older inn where the defenders of Leilon would gather because of its large size. That earlier inn had burned down through misadventure, but the name of the newer one was a reminder of those former days of local glory.
Temples and Shrines
  • Lathander Shrine was a modest temple to the deity Lathander.
  • Tymora Shrine was a shrine to the goddess of luck, Tymora.
  • Tyr Shrine was a temple to Tyr, god of justice. It was built by Lord Pelindar and was the newest shrine in the town.
  • Temple of Waukeen, a small gilded temple to the Merchant's Friend.
Other Locations
  • Manyclaws Alley was a dangerous place was thought to be haunted by the ghosts of some trolls, but in reality it was haunted by nine heucuva. The alley was all that remained of a temple to Loviatar that was demolished long ago. The undead guarded the treasure that was still buried beneath the alley in forgotten vaults, unknown by the people of Leilon.


  • Leilon

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