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Alonach Niric

The Shepherd

Unknown Lineage

On a chilly night under the waning moon of late Eleint (Fall) in the year 1422 DR, an infant wrapped in simple cloth rags was handed to a Sister of the 'Silver Shadow' - an orphanage in the poor districts of Everlund. The woman handing off the child did not appear to be anyone in particular - a half-elven woman perhaps in her early 40s. Dressed in modest clothing. Not a tear to be shed as the child was handed to the Sister who would care for him. Perhaps she was the mother or perhaps not - the sisters of the Silver Shadow were not ones to pry nor did it really matter. This was commonplace in the years following the Spellplauge. This is how the seemingly inauspicious story of Alonach Niric began...      


  Born in 1422 DR, Alonach did not know his parents. Alonach’s childhood was spent in the care of a human orphanage in the town of Everlund, the trader city in the shadow of Silverymoon. Although not an uncommon story even 30 years after the passing of the Spellplague, he never knew his parents or his family lineage - something that he continues to question to this day...     Even though Alonach resembled a human boy in almost every way, from a young age it became apparent Alonach was different from the other orphans. His unnaturally striking eyes that shined like molten gold when angered or excited were the most physical manifestation of his true heritage. A manifestation of what he truly was - an Aasimar. The "God Touched" as the Sisters called it - a rarity even in legends throughout the Sword Coast and beyond. While, at the same time, the sisters of the orphanage would often say he was “wise beyond his years” because of his generally lofty ideals despite no formal education. The sisters being lucky if they could even find the time and resources to teach the young orphans to read let alone develop their own ideological beliefs.     These ideals, however, could be traced back to something else entirely. Starting around age 10, visions of a woman with scaly, golden skin would come to Alonach when he slept. Sonngrad, he called her - Alonach’s celestial messenger - introduced him to the principles of her deity. In time, Alonach learning this celestial messenger was sent by the minor deity Bahamut himself to introduce his teachings to him. For what purpose, and to what end, Alonach knew not - as is often the way with the machinations of the gods. But whether through divine providence or his own free will, Alonach found himself drawn to the teaching and ways of the Ptarian Code.      

The Talons of Justice

    As is often the case in life, Alonach departed the relative safety of his childhood feeling that he was destined for something great. Something meaningful. And is so often the case - Alonach found himself floundering as a young man. Struggling to find his place in the wider world no longer insolated by the walls of his childhood.   What Alonach did have, he learned to use. Notably, Alonach was blessed with a compelling charisma. He had the ability to win over most he met. And in his late teens and into his twenties this charisma and his unique heritage were exploited by local merchants for the good of their sales; Alonach finding a living as an assistant to various merchants peddling their goods in the city of Everlund. But for the young Alonach, this lifestyle provided no sense of fulfillment beyond simply a means of survival. What's more, he soon found it best to downplay his heritage where he went due to the growing realization that trouble seemed to find him wherever he went. Evil agents and ruffians who would find purpose in destroying or simply fighting a celestial champion were inherently drawn to Alonach.     As a result, even though Aloanch believes in solving issues with diplomacy as best he can, he had to learn to fight as a means of survival. But, in strange twist of fate, it was because of this nearly constant trial that Alonach found his first real home - among the members of the Talons of Justice. A small band of paladins similarly devoted to the Ptarian code. It was after one particularly bloody encounter with a pair of men at the Battered Hat Inn in Everlund that Alonach was found bloodied, broken, and lying out in the streets by a young man by the name of Hilliard Highwind.     Hilliard helped Alonach to regain his strength - the two men becoming friends through their shared ideals. Hilliard, then, introduced Alonach to his order who took Alonach in. Training him, educating him, giving him purpose.     It was here that Alonach spent the next 20 years of his life. Training in the martial fighting techniques of a Paladin. Discovering his strange and innate ability for spell casting. Learning more of the history and ways of Bahamut. Studying the ancient tomes chronicling the fight against the chromatic dragons and the machinations of Tiamat. Assisting the Grand Masters of the Talons with whatever might need doing. And offering refuge or aid to those in need through the various decades of minor skirmishes and wars throughout the lands.     Although the teachings of Bahamut are no longer popular, and indeed almost forgotten amongst the common races of Faerun, Alonach’s own take on the “Code” began to mature as he aged. Most notably marked by a strong sense of justice, an overwhelming need to protect the innocent, and a strict sense of honor. As time progressed, this strong belief system made Alonach an ideal member of the Talons of Justice as, eventually, he was promoted to the rank of Paladin. The warrior caste of the Talons of Justice devoted to Bahamut and thwarting the evil schemes of Tiamat (mother of monsters a defender of the ideals of the Ptarian Code.     Upon becoming a Paladin, Alonach was sent out on his first assignment for The Talons. A mission that Alonach was eager to accomplish - both for himself, his order, and his god. A mission that he could never have comprehended would have such profound impact on his life. A mission that began with the simplest of tasks: "Travel to Neverwinter and find a man named Tim Drester...."    

The Four Omens

The Sheperd of The Four Omens. Aasimar paladin devoted to the Ptarian code of Bahamut. Dedicated to the protection and uplifting of the lesser races and righteous innocent.

View Character Profile
  • "Shepherd of The Four Omens"
  • "Paladin of The Talons of Justice"
  • "Exalted, Friend of The Dwarves"
Date of Birth
27 Eleint, 1422 DR
Molten Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, White
190 lbs, Muscular
Aligned Organization


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