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Talons of Justice

A small order of paladins and other religious followers of Bahamut and dedicated to the way of the Ptarian Code.  

Dogma & Activities

  Bahamut's dogma is based on justice, nobility, protection, and honor. He teaches his followers to always uphold the highest ideals of honor and justice; to be constantly vigilant against evil and to oppose it from all fronts; and to protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend just order. Bahamut advocates a "greater justice" that includes fighting against evil and toppling oppressive regimes. He also likes to reward strength of purpose and character in his followers.   His dragon adepts follow the Ptarian Code, a draconic code of honor created by the gold dragon Ptaris in the ancient past. Originally intended as a code of conduct for the lords who attended the King of Justice, the Ptarian Code eventually was adopted by many gold and silver dragons. The Ptarian Code is similar to the codes of chivalry adopted by knightly orders of humanity. It includes paying homage to Bahamut. The major precepts are:    
  • Justice and Good above all. Be constantly vigilant against evil and oppose it from all fronts, with valor and righteous action.
  • Protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend the way of Law and Order.
  • Heal, care for, and protect others in need of it. Teach and grant others the strength of character and of body to resist evil themselves.
  • Deeds and actions speak truer than words. Embrace action and decisiveness over Prayer, Ritual, & Fanfare.
  • Guide those who are lost, befriend those who have none, and remember the forgotten. Life is more vibrant when shared, and you must ensure none go through it alone.
  Ultimately, the Platinum Dragon prefers to be honored through dead and not through words.   Until recently, the Talons of Justice worked secretively. Playing a role in various events throughout Faerun and shaping their outcome. With the recent meteoric rise in chaos throughout Faerun, the giants being but a small part, and the quantity of displaced and down-trodden people - The Talons have started to come out of the shadows. Operating openly and trying to act as a light and foundation of strength for the innocent.  


  Temples to the Platinum Dragon are extremely rare as Bahamut does not appreciate being honored by objects, taking into account deeds instead. However, the recent construction of the Temple of Bahamut in Leilon was initiated by Alonach Niric , a Paladin of the Talons of Justice. Its purpose being to act as a beacon and safe haven for the innocent of the lands that have been displaced by recent turmoil. Becoming a haven and base of operations for the Talons of Justice to conduct their operations and set the example for the rest of the lands through dead - not talk.    


  Due to recent events, and the order starting to work more openly, the exact number of Talons has changed considerably over the last several years. But the "base" of the order consists of approximately 200 members scattered throughout the Sword Coast and beyond.   The Talons have a rigid chain of command consisting of the following ranks (from lowest rank to highest):  
  • Acolyte
  • Initiate
  • Paladin
  • Silver Paladin
  • Under Marshal
  • Marshal
  • Commander
  • Grand Master
Founding Date
1273 DR
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Talons, Talons
Notable Members


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