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RoT 17: "The Green Wyrmspeaker's Fortress"

Discovery, Exploration


You have undoubtedly found the Green Wyrmspeaker's Fortress within the Misty Forest. Now you just need to find him and his Green Dragon while avoiding anymore of his henchmen.

Hunkered down in a smelly Ettin den while you gain your bearings, you begin questioning the elves who originally greeted you before yelling for help. As it turns out, they are captives here under threat of death. From them you find that the Wyrmspeaker you seek is indeed named Neronvain and his adult green dragon is known as Chuth. They come and go via the waterfall and the poll in the center chamber.


The elves are terrified of Chuth saying that if they tell you anything, he’ll kill them all and try to get you to leave pointing out that the garlands you wear probably mean he doesn’t know you’re here. Of course, you can’t do that – killing or capturing Neronvain is your mission and it’s a chance to bag another Wyrmspeaker and possibly another Dragon Mask. Not to mention, add green dragon skin to Malice’s wardrobe.


The elf captives agree to remain hidden and then draw a map of the cave fortress for you and point out where the areas the cultists use for a barracks and rest area as well as their storage cave.


Using the map you first decide to take out the cultists in house so as to make sure Neronvain and Chuth will have no help (as you figure they’ll be a tough enough fight on their own). Dawning the Cult of the Dragon masks and insignia you’ve looted in the past, you make you way into the area and immediately greeted by a Dragonfang, although he is surprised that you’ve arrive “earlier than expected.”


Using that element of surprise, Brehanna and Pubert begin by engaging the cultists in conversation as they brag about elves they’ve killed and loot they’ve treasures they’ve procured in the name of Tiamat. Pubert announces he has a trophy of his own and tosses Langderosa’s greatsword on the table. The Dragonwing sitting there admires it but the Dragonfang recognizes the sword and clearly comes to the realization of who you all must be but before he can finish his curse, Rikon begins shooting his crossbow and Brehanna throws up a Wall of Fire to prevent them escaping down the hallway behind the Dragonfang.


Caught flatfooted, the group of Dragonwings and their two Dragonfang squad leaders are no match. Malice clears the barracks with a well-placed Hunger of Hadar spell and the rest, trapped by the Wall of Fire, fall to either Pubert’s blade or Taru’s fangs and claws.


Gathering what meager treasure they have, including raiding the larder where you find eight bottle of very rare Evermead (one of which Pubert immediately drinks) you head in the direction of where the elves said is Neronvain’s quarters and Chuth’s lair.


As you start down the passageway, Brehanna spots a sigil on the wall, recognizing it as a some type of glyph, but neither she nor Malice can tell what it does. Choosing to be exercise caution, Malice uses Dispel Magic and the glyph disappears.


Neronvain’s quarters are lush! Filled with fine tapestries and carpets and art work, all clearly stolen from raids – there’s even a hewn wood frame bed. But no sign of the Wyrmspeaker. The secret door to the south leads into what appears to be a shrine to Fenmarel Mestarine — the elven god of outcasts, scapegoats, and solitude. You also find Neronvain’s journal, in which he specifically talks about his “poor father” King Melandrach. It also reveals that the Green Dragon Mask has already been sent to Severin at the Well of Dragons so he can combine it with the others to create the Mask of the Dragon Queen.


From here you carefully make your way into the large chamber that is clearly Chuth’s lair. The pool to the west must be how he leaves and returns. You are surprised that he’s not here, nor is Neronvain. In their absence you being taking inventory of the horde of loot, realizing it’s rather small for a dragon horde.


Hearing a loud splash, you attempt to make your way back to the secret passage. Alas, you don’t quite get there before Chuth, Neronvain riding on his back, emerges from the pool and lands just on its edge – they almost immediately spot you and you find yourself once again facing a huge dragon in battle, only this time he has a friend helping him.


Chuth proves a formidable opponent, using Frightful Presence to keep most of the team at bay. What is unexpected is Neronvain using a poisonous gas spell of some kind which makes Brehanna ill for most of the fight. Despite their obvious power, though, both become badly wounded and clearly intend to cut and run, but before that can happen Neronvain is struck down. Thinking his friend and master dead, Chuth jumps into the air and blasts the area with is Poison Breath in a fit of rage, not realizing he’s potentially killing Neronvain at the same time.


As he finally begins to turn to make a break for the pool, your trusty hirely Rikon gets the perfect angle on the dragon’s eye and sends a crossbow bolt through his brain, finally killing the beast. Neronvain is horribly wounded, having been emasculated by Pubert’s wolf, Taru in addition to the spells he was struck with from Brehanna and Malice. Despite that though, you are able to take him alive so that the Council of Waterdeep can question him and hold him accountable for his actions.


The elves freed, Neronvain bound, and the loot secured in the Bag of Holding, you make your way out of the caves and begin heading back to Altand and out of the Misty Forest. It’s time to return to the Brass Wain to retrieve your mounts and make your way back to Waterdeep to report all you’ve seen and heard.

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