CM: C10E3 - Blastoff! Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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CM: C10E3 - Blastoff! Report

General Summary

The Planeswalkers continued their interrogation of the cult members they found in the basement below The Barn Door. Meanwhile, Lyra went to investigate the last door off the central hallway down there. She peered through the door to see a workshop of sorts, filled with partially finished automotons as well as three active specimens of the metalic dog-roach-like creatures they'd encountered before. At the far end of the workshop she spied an iron door with a sign affixed to it that read "Control Room."   Darting into the room to investigate the door she swirled her Robe of Scintillating Colors and managed to stun two of the skitterwidgets. The rest of the party moved to follow.   The skitterwidgets turned out to be quite a handful and our heroes were hard pressed to gain the upper hand. Toby De Term'nd took exception to one of the cultists attempting to cast a spell on him and retaliated by assaulting him to within an inch of his life. Jayce was able to Banish one of the creatures, and Bardak came to Lyra's rescue when she was on the brink of death's door.   With all foes vanquished, the Planeswalkers entered the control room and found Stonky crawling around under the console. They surrounded him and Bardak turned into a raven and landed on his back - startling the gnome and causing him to hit his head on the underside of the console. After a bit of interrogation and a bit of investigation our heroes pieced together that there are about 9 minutes left on the countdown, at which point the tower will launch into space along with all the books Stonky's cult had collected from the library. In Stonky's mind he is protecting the books from the unworthy.   In a bid to prevent a jilted Lyra from microwaving him, Stonky offered to make her an honorary member of the Livestock and gave her the alias "Deer Berry".   They also got a feel for the layout of the rest of the tower thanks to the magical security monitors in the control room and they have a good idea that the lever for controlling the rocket is located in the top-floor observatory.

Missions/Quests Completed

The characters successfully found Stonky and began interrogating him. They have about 9 minutes left on the countdown now.

Character(s) interacted with

Some of the Livestock, some skitterwidgets, and Stonky and his control panel.


5-6 rounds left on banishment on one of the skitterwidgets. Stonky spent a turn running as fast as he could out of the control room after Command was cast on him and he was told to "abort".
Candlekeep Mysteries
Toby De Term'nd
Report Date
21 Apr 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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