IDROTF C1E2: If you go out in the woods're in for a big surprise! Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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IDROTF C1E2: If you go out in the woods're in for a big surprise! Report

General Summary

Everyone was out of breath and, in the case of Kadgrith and Andove Littlefoot, blood by the time the cave bear was felled. They desperately needed rest but also knew that they were in an as yet unexplored monster's den and at least one giant creature was still unaccounted for.   Zinlis Arosath and Saryeras each made quick scouting sweeps of the adjoining parts of the cave. Just as the group had decided they would risk resting in the main chamber with the goats and sheep (and fire!) they had discovered, Zinlis returned with a hushed warning about a sleeping ogre at the end of the northern passage. The party quietly relocated to the bear's den, where they noted a strange statue (of Silvanus it was eventually decided) bathed under the frozen pond. They set a watch so that Andove Littlefoot and Kadgrith could heal. As they were about to change watch, the bellows of a distraught ogre reverberated through the caves, "Friend! Friend all alone now! Who do this?! Who kill master?" They held their breath, praying to any gods that might listen that the creature did not come this way. Heavy footfalls were heard to the south, then receded before they heard a second series of bellows when the ogre found the carcass of the bear. It then went headlong into the forest in a mad rage if the sounds they could pick out were any indication.   In the ... morning? who could tell in this perpetual twilight? ... a much recovered Kadgrith and Andove Littlefoot were told of what happened while they slept. The party quickly determined to search the rest of the cave system, find the mead, and get out before the ogre returned empty handed. They found the mead where the ogre had laired, along with a series of baskets hung from a pulley system. Inside the baskets they found some coin, a gemstone, and some implements for shearing sheep.   Back in the main room the party worked to repair the wagon that was present, while also investigating the remaining crates an barrels. They found straw, as well as a good deal of salt and pepper; these should hopefully fetch a fair price with the food scarcity in Ten-Towns, so the party loaded them along with the mead onto the wagons. They also fashioned leashes for the goats and sheep such that they could be herded back to town and sold.   Just as they were preparing to leave, Zinlis Arosath spotted the ogre returning. There was no way to avoid detection now, so they quickly tried to hide as best they could and set an ambush in the central chamber. For the record, goat/sheep pens make terrible hiding places and the ogre immediately spotted Andove Littlefoot. The ensuing fight was relatively short and brutal, the party gaining the upper hand early despite a devastating blow from the ogre's greatclub to Kadgrith 's chest; luckily, the enraged Half-orc was able to shrug off a good portion of the damage.   With the ogre threat dealt with the party decided to leave at once before anything ELSE decided to make a home in this cave. No sooner did they set foot to trail, however, than they spotted and heard another verbeeg approaching - presumably for a dinner date with the now very dead one inside the cave. It didn't take more than a second for the female to realize the presence of these adventurers meant her mate was in danger, or worse, and she attacked immediately and viciously and fought to the death. Again, the enraged barbarian shrugged off incredible blows and the party was able to put an end to yet another giant. They might be here for beer, but they are also Giantslayers!   The female verbeeg carried a basket full of strange metal bits. No one had ever seen anything of the sort in their experience; in fact, they soon became convinced that no one on Toril had likely ever seen the likes either, they were that otherworldly.   Then began the long, long trek back to Good Mead with nearly a thousand pounds of goods on their hand cart and a half dozen or more livestock in tow. The going was much slower than even following the trail north to the cave had been and they did not make it back to town until they had passed two nights in the woods. There they were met with a heroes welcome for the return of the mead and the vengeance done for the Speaker. After selling off the trade goods, our heroes enjoyed an afternoon/evening of free drinks at the Mead Hall where they would discuss what to do and where to go next...

Rewards Granted

The party made a decent amount of gold selling off livestock they freed from the verbeeg's lair. They also acquired some otherwordly bits of metal from the verbeeg's...girlfriend?

Missions/Quests Completed

The Mead Must Flow

The party completed the Mead Must Flow quest by returning the remaining casks of Honey Mead to Good Mead.  

Cold-hearted Killer

No further progress was made in tracking down the serial killer that has begun to operate in the Ten-Towns.


Rime of the Frost Maiden
Andove Littlefoot
Lawful Good Lightfoot Halfling (Entertainer)
Bard 4
23 / 23 HP
Zinlis Arosath
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
03 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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