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Rime of the Frost Maiden

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerûn
January 17, 2021 December 12, 2021 | Full


  • Icewind Dale
    Icewind Dale.
Supporting Cast
  • Auril The Frostmaiden
    The merciless goddess of cold and winter, is worshiped mostly in regions that are affected by deep winters. Folk propitiate Auril with offerings and prayers for mercy. Her priests warn others to prepare for winter, and to stock extra provisions in order to have some to spare as offerings to the goddess.
  • Speaker Duvessa Shane
    Though relatively young, Duvessa is the head of the Council of Speakers.
  • Hlin Trollbane
    A shield dwarf who knows her way around an axe (or two) based on how she so casually wears both a battleax and a handaxe on her hips.
  • Speaker Kendrick Rielsbarrow
    A giant of a man, he was recently killed by a verbeeg.
  • Speaker Naerth Maxildanarr
    Speaker of Targos.
  • Olivessa Untapoor
    Descended from the original Chultan settlers of Good Mead, she is the cask maker for the town.
  • Shandar Froth
    A red-bearded, shield dwarf logger.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 5th September 2021 21:00

IDRotF: C6E1 - Child of Winter

Racing to leave the Island of Solace before Auril's return, the party's success at discovering the Rime of the Frostmaiden within the Codicil of White rings somewhat hollow as they carry the frozen remnants of one of their own in hopes that they can find healing somewhere in the decimated Ten-Towns.

Sun 2nd May 2021 21:00

IDROTF C2E3: Last (out)Post

After eradicating the duergar threat in Caer Dineval, our heroes prepare to head north of Kelvin's Cairn in search of the Duergar Outpost.

Sessions Archive

25th Apr 2021

IDROTF C2E2: Duergar here, Duergar there, Duergar EVERYWHERE!

After returning to Easthaven to inform the Speaker that the missing fishermen had been killed by a lake hag, the party discussed their plans for the future. A stealthy attack on the Town Hall that night set them on an unexpected path - tracking down Duergar that have for some reason come to the surface to harass the Ten Towns. Having arrived in Caer-Dineval and struck up an agreement with the interim Speaker there, we join our heroes once more as they continue to investigate the Duergar menace.

Read the Report
18th Apr 2021

IDROTF C2E1: The tale that followed

Our heroes have been making a name for themselves among the Ten-Towns. With the hag of Lac Dinneshere defeated, what awaits them next?

Read the Report
11th Apr 2021

IDROTF C1E11: Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

So, the party got a little side tracked last time we saw them and did NOT, in fact, go in search of the poor lost fishermen of Eastvale. Maybe this time?

Read the Report
4th Apr 2021

IDROTF C1E10: Fishing for fishermen

Our heroes have arrived in Easthaven and heard tell of a burning wizard, as well as missing fishermen.

Read the Report
28th Mar 2021

IDROTF C1E9: There and Back Again, a Halfling's Tale

The party has completed their rescue mission of Garret, though his party perished with the exception of the Halfling Cleric. Eager to take advantage of such an expert guide (really?!), the party decides to ascend to the summit and see what they can find remains of Akar Kessel.

Read the Report
21st Mar 2021

IDROTF C1E8: Andover, Andover again

The party has spent hours scaling Kelvin's Cairn, only to watch Andover swept away over 1000 feet to the base of the mountain by an avalanche. Through Tymora's own luck, he somehow survived to tell the tale! But, now they need to climb the mountain yet again.

Read the Report
14th Mar 2021

IDROTF C1E7: A Boy and his Human

The party is making its way to Kelvin's Cairn, in search of a missing local who leads expeditions to the mountain. An orc party has run afoul of them along the way...

Read the Report
7th Mar 2021

IDROTF C1E6: The lowdown on the Sethek showdown

After deciding that the plight of Garret was more important than tracking down the Ten-Towns' icy murderer, the party settled into the Luskan Arms for a meal before resting until dawn. No sooner had they sat than their original quarry should appear. Will they confront him? Stay tuned to find out!

Read the Report
28th Feb 2021

IDROTF C1E5: Return to Brynn Shander

Having liberated the stolen iron shipment, our heroes begin the long trek back to Brynn Shander while hauling 1000 lbs of iron and sled.

Read the Report
21st Feb 2021

IDROTF C1E4: Between an ingot and a hard place

Our heroes on the trail of a lost shipment of dwarven iron that may or may not be guarded by a yeti!

Read the Report
7th Feb 2021

IDROTF C1E3: The game is afoot

The Heroes of Good Mead (for what else could you call those who rescued the town's stolen beer supply!) have returned triumphant. But yet, rumours of murder most foul continue to abound...what will they do next?

Read the Report
31st Jan 2021

IDROTF C1E2: If you go out in the woods today...you're in for a big surprise!

With the verbeeg dead, a cave bear dead, and both Kadgrith and Andove nearly mostly dead, what may happen next?!

Read the Report
24th Jan 2021

IDROTF C1E1: We all have meads.

Our adventurers will begin their story, in the small town of Good Mead.

Read the Report
North of the Spine of the World and west of the towering Reghed Glacier is a frigid expanse few dare to explore, let alone inhabit. This icy land of windswept tundra recently became locked in a perpetual, dark winter without reprieve. Auril the Frostmaiden, the divine embodiment of winter’s fury, has withdrawn to this cold corner of the world to live among mortals. Further, she has cast a terrible spell over Icewind Dale, to the detriment of most of its denizens.   Each night before midnight, Auril takes to the sky on the back of a white roc and weaves her spell, which manifests as a shimmering curtain of light—a beautiful aurora that illuminates the night sky and fades before dawn. This powerful magic prevents the next day’s sun from rising above the horizon, turning midday into twilight and trapping Icewind Dale in winter’s dark embrace, with no sunlight or warmth to melt the snow and ice. Each casting of the spell leaves the Frostmaiden weakened, with just enough divine power left to barricade the mountain pass with blizzards and churn the Sea of Moving Ice with blistering winds. Such measures discourage travelers from approaching or leaving Icewind Dale, further isolating the region. Icewind Dale has thus been trapped in a different reality from the rest of the world, for though the sun never rises over the dale, it continues to rise everywhere else.   The people of Icewind Dale know Auril’s wrath when they feel it, and they have a name for the unending winter she has inflicted on them. They call it the Everlasting Rime. No one understands why the Frostmaiden has imposed her will in this way or why the other gods refuse to challenge her. This prolonged winter, which has gone on for more than two years, threatens to doom not just the flickering lights of civilization known as Ten-Towns but also the indigenous flora and fauna that need sunlight and the change of seasons to survive.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Andove Littlefoot

Lawful Good Lightfoot Halfling (Entertainer)
Bard 4
23 / 23 HP

Zinlis Arosath



8 / 8 HP