IDROTF C1E6: The lowdown on the Sephek showdown Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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IDROTF C1E6: The lowdown on the Sephek showdown Report

General Summary

"Okay, sure, that's him. But, what are we going to do about it? Walk over and stab him in the middle of the tavern? Accuse him to his face? What's our plan?"   Saryeras and Zinlis Arosath debated circles around these questions for some time while Kadgrith offered to do any or all of these things "FOR GLORY!" Eventually, however, the party decided that they could likely lure the killer away if they made him believe that one of them had circumvented the next lotter in Targos. After a hurried discussion, it was determined that Andove Littlefoot was the only one guaranteed to be unknown to any locals in Icewind Dale (a fact that saddened the Halfling greatly as he wished for fame above all else!) and so he would need to be the bait.   "I WANT TO BUY MY FRIENDS A ROUND TO CELEBRATE! I HAVE AVOIDED A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH! (okay, okay, just a fate OF death) I SUCCEEDED AT DODGING THE LOTTERY!" Andove Littlefoot spoke overly loudly, hoping Sephek Kaltro would hear him. He then wandered over to the bar and ordered a round of drinks that he brought back to the table - hard stuff. The party raised their glasses and Andove Littlefoot pounded back his shot. In truth, though he wouldn't admit it, he was extremely nervous about his role as bait for this cold-hearted killer.   A second round of drinks was consumed and still Sephek Kaltro hadn't made a move, though he was definitely watching the group. Andove Littlefoot decided to go out for a smoke of his pipe to see if the killer would follow. Sure enough he did, but the others followed close behind and intervened before Andove Littlefoot became worm food. They were too exposed to make a hostile move here, and Sephek Kaltro was being close-mouthed about his intention in following Andove Littlefoot. Eventually, they convinced the killer to join them for another drink. Zinlis Arosath made note of the clothing he was wearing; it was reminiscent of what southern Sword Coast mariners would wear and highly unusual here in the Dale, especially with no heavy winter clothing over it to ward off the frigid temperatures.   Inside, Andove Littlefoot consumed a few more drinks out of nervousness and was becoming quite tipsy. He was also feeling an ever growing pressure in his tiny bladder. Eventually he blurted out, "I need to peeeeeee!" and raced out the door and around the back of the inn. Sephek Kaltro followed him closely, making a similar excuse. Kadgrith went to the door and followed the footprints through the snow with his eyes. He motioned to the others that Andove Littlefoot and Sephek Kaltro had gone around back. Saryeras and Zinlis Arosath left through the other door to circle around the inn in the other direction. Kadgrith crept to the corner of the building and moved to a position where he could see Andove Littlefoot and Sephek Kaltro.   Saryeras and Zinlis Arosath positioned themselves where Sephek Kaltro could not easily see them watching. The ranger nocked an arrow and the wizard held a cantrip on his lips. Andove Littlefoot and Sephek Kaltro stood side by side, the former still letting out a steaming stream of urine. The latter saying something as he reached around the Halfling's shoulder as though to pat him, and then produced a dagger of ice out of nowhere and moved to plunge it into Andove Littlefoot's side. Saryeras let loose his cantrip and Sephek Kaltro was struck in the shoulder with a firebolt, causing him to drop his icy dagger.   The fight that followed was quick and brutal, and resulted in Sephek Kaltro laying face down in the snow in relatively little time. However, before the party could decide what to do with the body, or investigate it even, it rose again with blue eyes blazing. They put him down a second time, and again he rose. The third time, Saryeras had the presence of mind to hit him with another firebolt and their quarry stayed down after that.   Their initial quest complete (and Andove Littlefoot's stomach contents emptied on the snow) the party decides to rest for the night, collect Boy in the morning, and make their way directly to Kelvin’s Cairn.   The next morning dawns, dark like every other. They collect the dog and tell him to show them the way to his master. They travel a full day, first making their way to Termalaine and then across open tundra. That night they set up camp, fairly exposed given the lack of cover. They set watches and try to rest. Near midnight, Kadgrith is on watch and he catches sight of something moving out on the snow, far enough that he can only make out that it's a group of humanoid figures move across his vision. They are coming closer, though not bearing directly for the camp. They may pass by. Kadgrith squints as they get closer still, they are close enough now to make out their numbers - 6, 7, 8 medium-sized figures and one larger. He begins waking his companions, in case the campfire attracts unwanted attention. They decide to wait and see, maybe they will still pass by. They are closer now, only a couple hundred feet away, and Kadgrith can see that one carries a shield with a sigil on it. It is painted in something dark, barely visible at all; but Kadgrith knows this symbol, he knows it all too well - a crude skull impaled by three arrows. A rage unlike anything the rest of the party has seen before builds up in him, expanding his chest as though he may explode! Then the battlecry and he is racing across the open tundra towards the larger group!

Rewards Granted

Party reached Level 3.

Missions/Quests Completed

Cold-hearted Killer completed.
Rime of the Frost Maiden
Andove Littlefoot
Lawful Good Lightfoot Halfling (Entertainer)
Bard 4
23 / 23 HP
Zinlis Arosath
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
13 Mar 2021
Secondary Location


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