S0E03 - Greedy Jelly Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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S0E03 - Greedy Jelly Report

General Summary

The party gathers again and decides to check in on the quest board to see what's up. Three new quests have appeared!   After some discussion, the party decides to first march to the Dwarven Excavation before swinging back through Phandalin to escort Don-Jon Raskin to Mountain's Toe Gold Mine and then continue north to Butterskull Ranch.   But first the dwarves. After a march of a few hours they reach the dwarven excavation. Here they discover that there are in fact only two dwarves in need of being warned, Dazzlin and Norbus . Verity delivers the warning about the white dragon but Dazzlin and Norbus are more concerned with their current plight. Some monsters are blocking their excavation of this temple. They tell the party that this was a temple to Abbathor, evil god of greed.   Thinking their may be treasure to be found the party enters deeper into the ruins. Kolja scouts ahead only to be set upon by several ochre jelly. Sarwynn hits them hard, inflicting multiple critical hits and quickly depleting their health. Kolja is hurt but manages to evade out of harms way to where Info is able to heal him. Verity corners the last ochre jelly and is about to do a killing blow when the jelly escapes through an until now, undiscovered secret door. The discovery leads the party to examine their environs more thoroughly, finding more secret passages filled with more jellies!
Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
In Fo
Report Date
11 Jan 2021
Secondary Location


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