S0E04 - Greedy Jelly (continued) Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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S0E04 - Greedy Jelly (continued) Report

General Summary

Info, Sarwynn and Verity continue exploring the ruins while Kolja and Tommy stay back to guard the dwarves.   Secret rooms lead to secret corridors which lead to other secret doors. The trio find a few aged, red leather armours and a dwarven skeleton with a holy symbol: a tiny jeweled dagger on a silver chain. Info grabs the holy symbol and inspects the dwarven runes which he discovers read: "greed is good".   With this new information, Verity and Info help each other recall details about Abbathor. The most useful tidbit they remember is that within a temple of Abbathor there should be a "hall of greed" somewhere. And so, they search, and search...but find naught. After returning to the nave, Info inspects the 4 tall pillars within the main chamber. A trap compartment door is found and when pushed, a pile of dwarf skulls fall out. Inside the pillar is a coffer with 10 Lapis Lazuli. Kolja pockets a few gems before the party notices and the remainder are divided equally amongst the party.   Verity informs the dwarves that all the monsters have been taken care of and the ruins are now safe for excavation. Dazzlin  and Norbus  give Verity a reward of a pair of Sending Stones, a wondrous magic item. Verity throws one of the stones to Info and pockets the other.   The trio lead the dwarves to a caved-in corridor where they believe the hall of greed should be and convince the dwarves to excavate here. Dazzlin tells the party it will take several days to remove all the rubble. Verity encourages the dwarves to wait to completely clear the hall fearing for their safety should more monsters be behind the rubble. The dwarves agree to wait and the party says they'll try to return within the week.   As the party is leaving the ruins, they encounter a gang of 5 orcs blocking their exit. Verity holds a choke point while the others shoot arrows and cast offensive magic spells like Eldritch Blast and Spiritual Weapon. The orcs are quickly dispatched. Sarwynn searches their corpses but finds nothing of note and so the party returns to the road, making it to Phandalin as the sun is setting. Info and Verity go around to a few shops eventually returning to the Stonehill Inn. Sarwynn had already retired early...to cast a ritual to find his familiar.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party completed the Dwarven Excavation quest.
Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
In Fo
Report Date
11 Jan 2021
Secondary Location


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