S0E05 - I Smell a Rat Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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S0E05 - I Smell a Rat Report

General Summary

The party leaves for Mountain's Toe Gold Mine with Don-Jon Raskin. On the way they encounter some dead orcs which are determined to have been killed by extreme cold...a sure sign that the ice dragon had been by this area recently.   As they get to the Mountain's Toe Gold Mine, Kolja gets excited when he sees a large rat-man and shoots at him, thinking he looks mighty tasty. The arrow misses, the were-rat runs into the mine and now the party must face off against the entire were-rat family that have taken over the mine.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party has begun the Mountain's Toe Gold Mine quest.
Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
In Fo
Report Date
11 Jan 2021
Secondary Location


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