S0E12 - Chim Chim Cheroo Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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S0E12 - Chim Chim Cheroo Report

General Summary

The party arrives at Axeholm, a dwarven fortress excavated inside a mountain and long since abandoned and sealed. Whether it was sealed to keep people outside or to prevent an inside threat from from escaping, is knowledge lost to time (and bad history checks). Regardless, the party must open up the complex and ensure it is safe for the citizens of Phandalin to shelter from the white dragon. The entrance portcullis and a few towers with arrow slits are the only things exposed outside the mountain.   Sarwynn and Tyran fly around, inspecting the premises but don't detect any threats...nor an obvious way in. Verity strains with all his might but cannot make the rusted portcullis budge. The solution comes from Sarwynn's clever companion -- climb the tower and descend the chimneys. With Sarwynn's aid and some rope, Verity and Info manage to climb the tower to the chimneys. They find one chimney that is still intact and descend carefully. Info slips at one point, but Verity manages to support both their weight, saving Info from a nasty drop and giving him time to regain his footing. The rest of the descent is smooth.   The party is in a closed room and hear skittering outside the door. With no other options, they venture forth carefully, only to be greeted by a half-dozen giant spiders! The spiders have a nasty venomous bite and webbing. Verity drops twice in the fight! The party is forced to expend many of their resources and have ventured no more than 50 feet into the fortress. They double-back to their chimney room for a short rest and discussion on what to do next.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party began the Axeholm quest.
Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
In Fo
Report Date
11 Jan 2021
Secondary Location


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