S0E16 - Moldy Bones Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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S0E16 - Moldy Bones Report

General Summary

The party prepares for a long trek along the The Sword Coast since they're planning to take care of several quests in Neverwinter Wood on this journey. They visit Elmar Barthen and Linene Graywind's shops, buying rope, iron spikes, weapons and a plethora of other useful items. They inform Barthen they are making the trek to Neverwinter Wood and can deliver supplies to the Loggers' Camp there. He provides two massive crates filled with provisions, for delivery to the logging cabin, and lends the party his cart and ox, Vincent. Verity, who has a way with handling animals, guides the ox on their journey north.   Travelling to the Dragon Barrow the party meets a centaur. He explains he is the sole remaining centaur of the Neverwinter Wood and called Xanth . He tells his story of being driven out of his home by orcs beguiled by evil spellcasters performing rituals at a circle of stones. He is pleased when the party alerts him that they are on their way to Neverwinter Wood now, their quest to help with that same problem! Xanth offers his aid in exchange for a vow with Verity that the party will do as they say, and venture to the wood to slay the evil mages and orcs.   However, upon learning where the party is first headed, the tomb called Dragon Barrow, Xanth tries to dissuade them stating it is a haunted place. Verity is insistent and the party support him, having heard the tale that a magical sword can be found within. As they arrive at Dragon Barrow, Xanth agrees to stay guard outside, watching over Vincent the Ox and the cart while the party ventures inside seeking treasure.   Flying high above, Sarwynn discovers the barrow resembles the shape of a prone dragon. Info calms the party, convincing them it is simply a structure, built to resemble a prone dragon, and not the dormant body of giant monster. Once the party finally finds a way inside the barrow, they are quickly surrounded by three ethereal menacing clouds, known as Will-o-Wisps. Before they can react the Will-o-Wisps each depart in a different direction deeper within the tomb.   The party starts to explore these earthen dug-out passages and it doesn't take long to find the first Will-o-Wisp. Try as hard as they may, their attacks seem to always miss this incorporeal form. Verity falls into a sword trap, the floor giving way. Info and Sarwynn manage to finally best the spirit with their magic. The party explores this room. Bones piled in a corner start to gather and connect together, forming into an undead mare. The beast immediately warms up to Verity, and through Info's mind-sense spell, requests to become his steed. Verity unsure, acquiesces to the request and finding himself clever, names his undead steed Perpetuity.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party begins the Dragon Barrow quest, and picks up the Circle of Thunder side quest.
Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
In Fo
Report Date
11 Jan 2021
Secondary Location


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