Shrine of the Flaming Sword Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Shrine of the Flaming Sword

Shrine of Tempus This vacant building stands on the lakeshore and has a crow-haunted steeple protruding from its peak. Unlike the mead hall, which is well cared for, the shrine’s painted icons of the god of war wielding a flaming sword are chipped and faded, and its spacious interior stands mostly empty except for a long table on which rests a body covered with a blanket. The body is that of Speaker Kendrick Rielsbarrow, a giant of a man in his forties. He died from three stab wounds to the chest. The shrine was built over a century ago, when the town’s rivalry with Dougan's Hole raged so fiercely that the lake, a frequent battlefield, became known as Redwaters. For a time thereafter, nearly all residents of Good Mead paid homage to Tempus. Today, the shrine’s relevance has dwindled to the point where it’s mainly used just for town gatherings.
circa 1400 DR
Founding Date
circa 1354 DR
Parent Location


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