WDotMM: L1E2 - The Party Forms Report Report in Faerûn | World Anvil
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WDotMM: L1E2 - The Party Forms Report

General Summary

Meanwhile, back at the Yawning Portal Inn, Muni and Rag Dal both seem to have consumed just enough alcohol to feel brave (or stupid?) and approach Obaya Uday about the conversation they overheard between her and the dragonborn earlier. Taken aback at first by these two individuals sliding into her booth, Obaya quickly appraises them and figures they look like just the sort to actually succeed at retrieving magical artifacts from the dungeon below.   Following a quick discussion around terms and conditions of their arrangement, Obaya wishes our adventurers well, they pay their gold piece fee for being lowered through the portal, and soon find themselves in the dark below. While both can see perfectly well in the dark, Muni discusses with Rag the use of her magical lantern of revealing. It is decided that she will light it so as to be able to reveal any invisible creatures that might be lurking about. With this settled the two take a moment to take in their surroundings. They quickly spot footprints in the sand that coats the floor of this initial room and they decide that following them is the most likely way to catch up to the dragonborn.   A short distance down the hallway that led south-west from the entry the sandy floor gives way to mostly stone and the tracking becomes more difficult. It is around that time that they spot the bas-reliefs of demons that line the walls and then the skeletal remains of a kenku laying on the ground. Muni decides she wants a souvenir and so approaches to collect its skull; however, as she does so she can't help but wonder "Is it not pointing up at the monstrous statues there?" Calling Rag over see as well the pair quickly realize that this statue can be slid to the side. Rag flexes and puts on a great display of exertion as the statues easily slides to one side and reveals a passageway behind.   Proceeding cautiously, the two explore down the tunnel after deciding that stealth is more important than the lantern. They discover a room that slants gradually to the west and which is partially submerged in what can only be sewer water based on the smell. Muni steps further into the room after tethering herself to Rag (you can never tell how deep dark water is afterall) and she spots a life-sized statue of a sahuagin that is giving off a faint purple glow and whose head is twisted all the way around to face backwards. Approaching the statue, a portion of the water ripples and then...forms...and Muni is assaulted by some kind psionic attack. She wards off the worst of it but falls back, calling out in pain and warning. Rag joins to see what's the matter and Muni comes into his sight just in time for him to see her plunge her rapiers deep into the creature. Wasting no time, he closes the rest of the distance and swings his axe down hard at the thing.   As quickly as it began, the battle is over. As they take stock, both of our heroes realize that their weapons have been damaged in the fight. The metal has corroded somewhat when it came into contact with the thing and has weakened as a result.   After determining that the room held nothing more of interest, the two backtrack and rejoin their hunt for the dragonborn. This leads them further west to a room full of pillars which causes both a great deal of unease. Thankfully, Rag is able to pick up the trail and lead them north in pursuit of their quarry. The pair came upon a branch of the corridor shortly thereafter and decided to investigate as they could see an open door to the east. Muni was growing increasingly concerned that the dragonborn would have looted all the good treasure before they could catch up to him. The room behind the door was a large square room, with an alcove to the south. In its center stood an empty wooden armor rack...and a skeletal hand at its feet. Closer examination showed that maybe a sword had previously been embedded in the wood of the rack, but nothing else. Investigating the alcove, the pair discover a secret door that leads back to the hall of demons.   The trail next led them further north and then east again at a t-intersection. A short distance later they came to a choice between following the corridor through a slight jog south or another open door that led north and west. Once again choosing the open door, the pair entered a large room, with three pillars in its center. Before they could explore it further, however, they were greeted by the sounds of battle to the west. Muni rushed in, leaving the much shorter dwarf to huff and puff as he attempted to catch up and join the action. What Muni came to discover (and Rag as well, some time later) was that the dragonborn they had been following was single-handedly (for all intents and purposes based on the prowess of the cleric that was with him) fending off a large group of VAMPIRES!   The fight was long, but luckily these were some of the most incompetent vampires ever seen. Strangely, a couple of them as they fell dead to the blows of our heroes turned into strange, blue, naked humanoids. The largest of the vampires, perhaps the master of this nest, made an attempt to flee as the tables turned in favour of the party. However, Rag was able to stop him his tracks and then Muni hunted him down and put an end to him.   Eventually, our heroes were left standing in the midst of a pile of vampires that had very much NOT turned to dust upon embracing their final death...
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Report Date
15 Jan 2021
Primary Location


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