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Second Council Session

General Summary

Feast Hall:
  • The feast hall is a large room with vaulted ceilings, hanging chandeliers adorned with candles. Lit braziers sit in strategic positions around the room to maximize lighting. The wall opposite the double doors hosts large windows that grants a stunning view of the Sword Coast, The Griffon and Peaktop Aerie guard tower. On the left side of the room is a door, busy with servers busing dinnerware, pitchers of ale, and baskets of bread into the hall to be placed on the tables.
  • The feast hall is not at all vacant when the party enters the room, there are others already in the feast hall. They appear to be cohorts and companies of the multiple factions of the council that are in good standing.
  • The players almost feel a bit out of place, as a bit of a ragtag group of adventurers while the others in the room wear the uniforms and sigils that identify their faction.
  • The U-shaped table at the head of the room sits empty, which the party would assume that the members of the council will soon fill those seats.
Leosin sits at the front table with the party, but only temporarily. He is about to tell the party a story of how he was once prisoner at a Cult of the Dragon encampment that was harboring a chromatic dragon egg nest. But he is quickly interrupted by a young elf-woman who whispers into his ear. Some of the party hears that she tells him that the council members are here, and "Remi" is requesting him. Leosin apologizes for his abrupt departure. He says he will meet up with the party once the council is over. He reminds the party to be open and honest with the council when asked about the results of their quests. They know more than they will say, and are testing not only your courage, but your loyalty for the privilege to be in this hall. Most of the council is favorable of everything they have heard about, but they have a tendency not to take others' at only their word when it comes to the character of those whom they employ. Leosin turns and leaves through the double doors they came in through.   Goldenfort eyes the other attendees, looking for anyone he knows. He recognizes one individual, a man who goes by the name Get Graygreen. He doesn't know him personally, but knows of him as an individual who finds himself in many important meetings and councils just as Goldenfort does. Get mentions he has heard of Goldenfort as well, mostly professionally though.   The party is approached by one Half-Orc by the name of Sir Merek (Order of the Gauntlet) who fixes on Goldenfort. He recounts that he has seen many battles, and his hearing was damaged by an explosion. He mentions that he spoke with a fortune teller that predicted he would die at the hands of a village bard, so he is very suspicious of Goldenfort. His peers correct him by telling the party that the fortune teller said village "GUARD", not bard. But Sir Merek is unconvinced. Goldenfort takes the opportunity after Sir Merek has seated himself to play a little tune and sing a lyric that pokes fun at Sir Merek. The audience enjoys the entertainment, but Sir Merek is unamused and slams his fist on the table. His peers sit him back down before he hurts himself by doing something he shouldn't.   The Council Begins (Introductions):
  • A voice shouts out, "Crown of the North!" The patrons in the feast hall, and those of the party which hail from Waterdeep (or know of its traditions) answer back, "The City of Splendors!"
  • The voice continues, "Honor and respect to the Open Lord of Waterdeep, Lady Laeral Silverhand!"
  • Lady Laeral Silverhand enters, wearing long white and gold robes, and takes her seat at the center of the U-shaped table. Once sitting, the rest of the council are introduced and make their way to their designated spot at the table:
  • Dagult Neverember, Lord Protector of Neverwinter. Accompanied by Elia, ambassador from the Nether Mountains
  • As Elia is introduced, the party hears raised whispers among the crowd and looks on faces giving the impression of surprise.  Elia has long silver hair, wearing a flowing dress and a blue cloak bearing the symbol of Bahamut
  • Remallia Haventree, Wise Owl of the Harpers.  Accompanied by Leosin Erlanthar, Brightcandle of the Harpers
  • Taern Hornblade, High Mage of Silverymoon
  • Ulder Ravengard, Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate
  • Ontharr Frume, Paladin of the Order of the Gauntlet
  • Delaan Winterhound, Chief Ranger of the Emerald Enclave
  • Melandrach, King of the Misty Forest Wild Elves
  • Connerad Brawnanvil, 12th King of Mithral Hall and leader of Clan Battlehammer
  • Sir Isteval, Representative of Daggerford and Constal of the Purple Dragon Knights. As Isteval passes the table of the party, they experience a feeling of renewed courage wash over them. He walks with a limp, using a cane. He wears the traditional garments and sigil of the Purple Dragon Knights, but also prominently displays the sigil of Lathander upon the chest of his immaculate Plate armor.
Food is Served:
  • Soon after the council members are seated, servers begin carrying in a magnificent spread of food, ranging from rotisserie wild boar from the Jungles of Chult, to fruits from the far east Pirate Isles.
Reports from Faction Parties:   Lady Laeral Silverhand stands and the room quiets from her graceful but commanding gesture. "Thank you all for coming to our council. We shall continue discussing a matter of great importance that is affecting us all along the Sword Coast, the escalation of activities conducted by the Cult of the Dragon. As you all recall, the Draakhorn has been sounded, and reports of chromatic dragon attacks have increased as of late. To make matters worse, the Cult of the Dragon has begun to reveal themselves from their supposed veil of secrecy with wonton raids on outer towns and villages. We of the Lord's Alliance shall not permit these actions to continue, and must snuff out the Cult of the Dragon before its flame can grow in true strength. We have heard news of great victories amongst our factions, but in keeping honesty in true form, have suffered some unfortunate losses. If the council wills it, please give your reports of your activities."   Lady Silverhand sits as Dagult Neverember stands. "The realm of Neverwinter stands strong. Trade along the High Road between us and Waterdeep has seen increased attacks, but I have increased guard escorts to match the growing concern. Logging activities have been impacted as the cult appears to be attacking some of our resources now. I have deployed more troops to key resource encampments. Lastly, I would introduce the Lady Elia, ambassador from the Nether Mountains. She extends invitation to ambassadors from the humanoid races to determine the level of aide the Metallic dragons are willing to provide."   Elia stands. "Humanoids and Metallic dragons share a common enemy. Bahamut knows this and will do what must be done to staunch the progression of the followers of his sister Tiamat. The metallic dragons have decided to hold a Draconic Council to discuss their response to this threat. By ancient tradition, representatives of the humanoid races have always been included in this rare occurrence. I am here to seek those whom are able to return with me to the Nether Mountains for this council. I will hear representatives of each faction before making my decision of the party that shall be invited."   Elia Sits. There is a clamor of talking amongst the audience and what appears to be some small talk between council members sitting adjacent to one another.   Remallia Haventree stands and raises her voice, "If the Metallic Dragons are involved, then the situation is as dire as all of us have feared. Whatever aide we are able to afford in an alliance with them will be surmountable to be sure. The Harpers continue to gather intelligence and conduct operations. My esteemed attendant Leosin has been helping coordinate some of these operations. He will fill in the council on progress thus far."   Leosin stands next to Remallia, "Thank you m'lady. We have been able to conclude 2 operations thus far, one involving the Wyrmspeaker, Varram the White, and one of ascertaining the location of the Arcane Brotherhood's foremost expert on draconic lore, Maccath the Crimson. I divert the details of the operations to my compatriots. Please my friends, let the council know of the outcomes of your deeds." Leosin motions his hand for the party to present the conclusions of Varram the White and Sea of Moving Ice   Goldenfort gives report that Varram has been captured alive, and has been surrendered to Ulder Ravengard upon reaching Baldur's Gate. The party has also travelled all the way North to Oyaviggaton and was able to make contact with Maccath, who is being held prisoner of her own will in order to continue scribing research of the Arcane Brotherhood that was stolen ages ago.   Leosin states that they have relayed this confirmation of Maccath's location to the Arcane Brotherhood, and a rescue effort is being organized.   Varram the White:
  • Taern Hornblade mentions, "Securing Varram's capture is a boon, and we will learn much from his interrogation. Silverymoon is pleased with this outcome!"
  • Connerad Brawnanvil pipes up, "The dwarves of the North should like to make an example of this miscreant in a court of dwarven law!"
  • Delaan Winterhound quietly states, "Keeping that dwarf alive only complicates matters, he has already demonstrated a willingness to corrupt the natural order, making a trial excessive - and potentially opening the door to a rescue attempt."
Sea of Moving Ice:
  • Lady Laeral Silverhand speaks, "Winning the allegiance of the Arcane Brotherhood will award us powerful allies against the Cult of the Dragon, I think I speak for the council when I say that we are most grateful for securing the safety of Maccath the Crimson..."
  • Ontharr Frume interrupts, "Bah! The Arcane Brotherhood does not police its members in what kinds of knowledge they pursue, they tolerate many evil wizards in their company. There's no telling if they have Cultists among their own ranks. It is haphazard to include them."
Delaan Winterhound takes up the next topic, "Speaking of dragon attacks, the Emerald Enclave is currently involved with investigations into recent attacks in the Misty Forest. Does King Melandrach wish to help the Enclave understand more about this matter?"   King Melandrach refuses to stand, "What dragon attacks there were are of no more concern to you Ranger Delaan. Dragon attacks in the area around the Misty Forest have stopped since my elves have increased their patrols and fortified our positions." The party notices that the elvish king does not exude a particularly honest aura when giving his dismissal of the Emerald Enclave's investigations. It would seem that there is some information he is withholding from the council.   Delaan retorts, "Then I suppose we should tell the elven survivors of recent raids to go back to their forest? The Enclave has been taking in refugees from the Misty Forest as recently as when I left my outpost to travel to this council. And agents that we have deployed have yet to return. If you would be so arrogant as to not look into the matter yourself…" *Delaan turns towards the party* "… then shall we send a capable crew to your realm if only to confirm that peace is being restored in your forest? They have already proven themselves to this council. A party that can venture to Arauthator's lair, and return unharmed shows their prowess indeed. What say you?"   The council continues, each faction giving report of outposts, settlements or towns they have successfully defended from cultist attacks, or have lost.   Dragon Sightings:
  • Triboar (East of Neverwinter)
  • Goldenfields (NE of Waterdeep)
  • Multiple reports East of Baldur's Gate
  Cult Attacks:
  • Phandalin - Population: 127 | Killed: 12 | Missing: 3
  • Kirkwall (North of Neverwinter) - Population: 58 | Killed: 8 | Missing: 0
  • Pirn (South of Neverwinter) - Population: 84 | Killed: 17 | Missing: 5
  • Mirstone (NE of Waterdeep) - Population: 100 | Killed: 1 | Missing: 5
  • Leafside (South of High Forest) - Population: 76 | Killed: 7 | Missing: 4
  • Leurbost (East of Baldur's Gate) - Population: 47 | Killed: 32 | Missing: 12 | Survivors: 3
  As the reports appear to be wrapping up, and the servers begin busing empty dinnerware and scraps back to the kitchen, Lady Laeral Silverhand once again stands raising her wine glass gesturing a toast. Everyone stands, raising their glasses and mugs.   Lady Laeral toasts, "We remember those whom have served and fallen to the fullest of their duties. Our successes rest on the shoulders of each of your factions and parties. It is through your strength and courage that we will see an end to the Cult of the Dragon and whatever goal they seek to accomplish. The Lord's Alliance will not rest until justice is wrought on those who do us harm! Huzzah!"   An aggregate and jovial, "Huzzah!" fills the room.   Lady Laeral continues, "To the factions and parties whose heroics deeds have been recognized here today, you will be rewarded before you venture on to your next duty. I will see to it."   The Lady finishes her wine, setting the glass back onto the table and starts towards the door. Again a voice shouts out, "Crown of the North!". And the audience answers, "The City of Splendors!".   Everyone begins to muster around, some leaving quickly, others lingering to meet with their faction leaders.   Leosin approaches the party with Elia. "Before you agree to any other activities, I should like to introduce you to Elia, and make my case for why I think it should be you all to travel to the Nether Mountains as representatives of the Council of Waterdeep."   Elia stands gracefully and bows her head to Leosin, "I shall hear what you have to say, then I must speak with others."   Leosin begins, "Lady Elia, my compatriots here have repeatedly proven their worth, and have displayed their loyalty to the good of all kinds. They continuously put the best interest of all of us first, which is not a quality I have seen in quite some time. Moreover, since they are not directly tied or committed to any one faction among those in attendance today, they are candidates well-suited to attend the Draconic Council without faction bias."   Elia looks to the party, "Leosin makes a great argument. Though, I would hear from you, what your thoughts on this are."   The party tells Elia that they do look out for the best interest of the denizens of the Sword Coast, they would be honored to be chosen to act as ambassadors of the humanoid races at the draconic council. They confirm they have no faction bias.   Elia bows her head, "Thank you all for your service to Faerun. I must go, and I will contact you once I have made my decision."   Elia turns and walks away as gracefully as she stood before you.   Goldenfort asks Leosin what his recommendation would be regarding the topics discussed today. Leosin suggests that if they are chosen to represent humanoid races at the Draconic Council, then they should prioritize that. Otherwise, he mentions to speak with Delaan Winterhound about helping with investigations into the reports out of the High Forest of cult activity.   Goldenfort also asks Leosin if he has heard of someone who goes by the name "The Eye" before. Leosin says the only entity he knows of that has gone by that name is Xanathar, the leader of the Skullport Thieves' Guild in the Undermountain. All passages to the Undermountain were long thought to be closed off. Goldenfort tells Leosin that the Trolls they encountered were just down the block from the Pampered Traveler Inn. Leosin says that he will make sure that it is investigated, and thanks the party for the information.   Outside the palace, the party and others in attendance of the council are confronted by many upper class individuals each trying to get information from them about what was talked about during the council.

Rewards Granted

Lady Laeral Silverhand has indicated that those whom have completed significant duties in service to the Lord's Alliance will be rewarded.


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