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HI HO High Hold

General Summary

After the group left the Manor House of Zymorven, along the road they would find a band of Gnolls close to the road. After dispatching them they would continue on to High Hold, the Village of Halflings where Zelano wine is made. A Hamlet being held hostage to some Big Nasty Bugs.

Rewards Granted

Bottles of Zylano Wine 1 potion of Master Healing one of Lesser a +1 ring of protection, before the adventure.
+1 small greatsword (longsword)
Small Masterworked Dagger Knecklace worth 12GP
6 Bottles of Zylano Wine
Potion of Haste
Unknown Potion from honey
Unknown Powdered honey
Unknown White Dust
A Magical Blue Baby Blankey

Missions/Quests Completed

The Buzz in the Bridge

Character(s) interacted with

Cat, Aigie 2 young girls outside of town
Mayor Apppletop
Brindle Butterstitch proveyer of the Sungrass Nook
Brandon Zylano Who runs the Winery
Allison who runs Allison feed, and Dog Trainer
All the citizens of town
Kyp, Dayle and their new Squad out on Patrol.
  • Monterey, A Goliath Fighter Barbarian
  • Gilly, A Tabaxi Fighter Artificer
  • Shypp, A Ghostwise Halfling Fighter battlemaster

Related Reports

Wasps attacking town
A single Gnoll ran Shym up a tree Northeast of town.
Kyp and Dayle were granted a squad to go out on patrol and found Shym, and Dispatched the Gnoll


After Handling the Infestation at the bridge, The Righteous Might left 100's of gallons of Honey and perhaps tons of Bees wax for the town to use. Hugh Suggested to Brandon Zylano to start making Mead.

New Feature

Pending further details

Report Date
21 Sep 2023
Primary Location