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High Hold (Hi-Hold)

The town had developed a Giant wasp infestation on it's bridge over the river Rauviin, which resulted in the death of sheriff Wickham. After explaining to Righteous Might, and a small attack on the winery, The group decided to help, and dispatch the Infestation at the bridge.
High Hold was one of the many small towns and villages found in the Rauvin Vale, within the Silver Marches. It was named for the foreland it was set upon, that looked over the Evermoors from the opposite side of the River Rauvin. High Hold is isolated and within a rustic valley, with but a single crossroads of Grape Street and Yondalla Lane, each proudly nd clearly marked signs that hang from chains suspended form buildings. The villiage itself consists of about thirty small buildings and huts, most of which are sized for Halflings. Only 7 buildings look to be accomadating for larger folk. the largest building looms over the North of the town, and judging by the vast vineyards that stretch up the Valley sides, it must be the Winery.


99% Strongheart Halfling


The leader of the community was known as the Holdmaster, Dunleary Appletop,
The Sheriff, Wickham
And the Deputies, Allan & Alexis Oakpad The town fell under the authority and governance of Silverymoon.


The Sheriff[Deceased], the 2 Deputies, and about 5 or 6 militia members

Industry & Trade

Few people make it to Highhold, for it is isolated. There are a few small buisnesses in the tiny town, capable of minor accords, like fixing armor, shoeing a horse, and purchasing food. There are two truely profitable buisinesses in Highhold. Zelano Wine and Allyson feeds Riding Dogs.


The town has a few meager offerings. In it includes, Zelano Winery,
The Sungrass Nook, The Inn,
Highhold Smithy,
Allyson Feed, The animal food, stables and dogbreeder/trianer,
Merle's, The Cooper,
The Blackberry, Herbalist and apothacary,
and the Zelano Butchery.


The Winery to the north, Beyond that is the vinyards.
The River Bridge to the West The Crossroads in the middle of town


600 Gold
100GP limit.
Although technically riding dogs are above Highhold's GP limit, There are about a dozen of them in town for sale.


It was named for the foreland it was set upon, that looked over the Evermoors from the opposite side of the River Rauvin.

Points of interest

Zelano wine

is a fully established Winery, and vinefication. They perform tours and though usually Wine is sold by the Barrel they do sell bottles for a price of 50 gold.  

Sungrass Nook

High Hold's only inn provides lodging, with a nights stay costing 5 silver pieces. A meal of hearty stew, bread, and a glass of Zalano Wine costs 3 Silver. The building is 2 stories tall and has four rooms available to rent on the second floor. The main floor houses a small resturant bar and kitchen. While the building is build to accomodate medium size creatures, it's resturant seating is built with locals in mind. Medium size beings usually sit on cusions on the floor.
The innkeeper's name is Brindle Butterstittch  

The Bridge

The wooden bridge over the River Rauviin, now filled with thick bee's wax and honey. close to 300 feet long over the river which flows here from west to east towards Silverymoon.


Located along the Silverymoon Trail or Rauvin Road, High Hold is isolated and within a rustic valley, with but a single crossroads.


Often Breezy in the valley, its on the southern portion of the far northern regions. it gets hot, but doesn't stay hot for more than a couple of months. It Gets cold but not as cold as the Far North, and not for as long.
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