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Grimjaw, The Maimed God

The Sword of Justice Known as the Maimed God, Tyr is a blind and one-handed god of law and justice. Tyr lost his right hand to Kezef the Chaos Hound, and his eyes were put out by Lord Ao when he questioned Ao's decision that the gods would be punished and sent behind a Divine Gate, prevented from assuming godly form on the mortal planes. Ilmater, true to his ethos, worked to teach Tyr to live with these disabilities, though in truth they were not a great hindrance in view of his power as a greater god. Torm, being a god aware of his own past humanity, also aided Tyr by tempering the god's zeal for justice with the gift of mercy.   Tyr was strong-spirited and noble. He was considered the bravest and the most honorable of all the Aesir of the Norse pantheon. He was primarily concerned with the punishment of wrong-doers and the general furthering of law and good in the world.    Tyr was at first more willing than many other gods to manifest in some form or other to his followers, because of his fierce feelings of fatherly protection toward them. By the late 14th century DR, however, Tyr had tired of appearing in the Realms and began limiting his appearances to cases with important repercussions that were not obvious to mortals.   Besides his avatar, Tyr might send an intelligent war dog as a representative, or he might use a resounding gong, a choir of male voices, or a floating warhammer to express his will. The colors blue, white, and purple were considered sacred to his followers.

Divine Domains

Order, Justice and War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Tyr is a balanced scales resting on a warhammer and his favored weapons as identifiers were the longsword or warhammer. As such many members of his become masters in wielding one or both of these.

Tenets of Faith

Tyrrans saw the world in black-and-white morality and wanted Faerûn to be cleansed of its lawlessness and chaos. They were devoted to justice and the deliverance of vengeance, but not in the manner that sought equality. Rather, they believed in illuminating the truth behind corruption and punishment of the guilty.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tyr was portrayed as blind or with a bloody bandage over his eyes and missing his right hand, and he did not try to hide or bandage his stump. He usually was shown as a burly, noble warrior with a powerful build and a bearded face. When an avatar of Tyr appeared to his followers, his eyes (or eye) were at first the color of bright steel, but they faded away to empty sockets before the avatar vanished. His brow always shone with a white radiance or halo, leaving no doubt as to his divine nature.   Tyr was often shown wielding a powerful magic sword or warhammer and dressed in light armor or chainmail.

Body Features

Missing his hand, and blind Eyes hidden behind a bejeweled cloth

Specialized Equipment

Tyr's longsword was named Justicar. It was said to have been a gift either from Tyr's predecessor or from Lord Ao himself. It was crafted with the aid of Mystra. Tyr's warhammer was especially disrupting to undead.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy


  Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and always be true and just in your actions. Uphold the law wherever you go and punish those who do wrong under the law. Keep a record of your own rulings, deeds, and decisions, for through this your errors can be corrected, your grasp on the laws of all lands will flourish, and your ability to identify lawbreakers will expand. Be vigilant in your observations and anticipations so you may detect those who plan injustices before their actions threaten law and order. Deliver vengeance to the guilty for those who cannot do it themselves.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Tyr hated duplicity, trickery, rule-breaking, and wanton destruction. He likewise hated lies and the breaking of oaths and was disgusted by persons who earned from such things. For his own part, he never would break a promise. Tyr urged the establishment of moral and ethical codes for sentient beings in all lands.

Virtues & Personality perks

Tyr was a fair judge, but he was hard to understand to those outside his faith, as they more readily perceived him as a stern and rigid punisher. On the other hand, he was seen as a brave father-figure to his followers. In truth, he was well aware that a lawful utopia would never be possible in the imperfect Material Plane, yet this did not stop him from trying to make the world a better place for his mortal followers. He wanted his followers to see themselves as a "perfect family", not made of perfect individuals but rather of members who tried and wanted to be perfect, who acted out of trust, courage, and love toward each other. His knowledge that such a dream would never be achieved among the mortal realm filled him with genuine sadness.


Contacts & Relations

Chosen of Tyr

  Ingrar Welven, also known as the Voice of Tyr, was a pirate from the Utter East, who became possessed by the Maimed God after himself being maimed by a fiend. With powers granted by Tyr, Ingrar was tasked with destroying the Fallen Temple and bring long-lost reverence of his god back to the Five Kingdoms in the late-14th century DR.

Religious Views

Among Tyr's worshipers were judges, lawyers, magistrates, the oppressed, paladins, and police Tyr was particularly popular in the lands of Calimshan, Cormyr, the Dalelands, the Moonsea, Sembia, Tethyr, and the Vilhon Reach.   The highly organized church of Tyr was strong in the more civilized lands of the Realms. They were known for never refusing service or aid to the faithful when they were in distress. Followers of Tyr were expected to show fairness, wisdom, and kindness to the innocent. Tyrrans never enforced an unjust law.   After the Time of Troubles, an entire decade passed where Tyr forbid specialty priests within his church. The clergy believed that he wished to ensure that no members of the faith were treated with greater favor than others. After other churches mocked them for this, Tyr established special orders of priests beginning after the Feast of the Moon in 1369 DR
Tyr was said to be the son of the god Odin and his wife Frigga. Tyr was the head of the group of deities known as the Triad. The two other gods who made up the Triad were Ilmater and Torm. Torm served as Tyr's war commander and was known as the "good right hand of Tyr."   Among the greater deities of Faerûn, Tyr was the only one of lawful good alignment. Along with the Triad, Tyr was close to Lathander. He opposed the deities Bane, Bhaal, Cyric, Mask, Talona, and Talos.   Tyr gave great respect to Zaphkiel and the archons of Mount Celestia, but it was not believed that he had authority over them.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Sword of Justice
Milk-White, Blind Eyes
Long White