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The Rauvinwatch Keep

Life, Supernatural


The Squad would make their wy to Rauvinwatch keep where they would be allowed inside for a nights rest. While visiting the keep the People experienced a set of strange events that would require more investigation to solve the death of one of soldiers who was stationed there.

~ Arriving at the Keep and being allowed entry, and a nights rest within its walls, some of the residents heard the laughter of chidren and experienced erie happenings in the dead of night. with minimal investigation the group would return to their slumber. Awakening early in the morning they were alerted to the death of one of the others, Balor, a Dwarf the from the Mitheral Hall, had been killed during the night. Evidence lead the Squad to assume a "chomper" was responsible, and offered to help in the investigation. They took a small contingent into the lower level of the keep, to investigate further. While below the group encountered an animated corpse behind an unstable wall. The group, split between a couple of groups, dispatched and sent the body, with a still biting head, back to the courtyard to the senior officers above for investigation.
~ The group would continue on to see if there were more, how they were getting down here, and any other information that might be available. They were certain that these bodies were not the source of the childrens voices they had heard. Something foul was still a foot.   ~As our heros explored the lower level They would find the tight corridors that lead through rooms of storage all over the level, some for the mission, some for the tavern Can't Mess' food drink and dry storage. They would find a wall that had been broken through, and behind it a dug tunnel, where a "Chomper" attacked upon opening up through.   ~While separated, part the group was attacked by something supernatural that terrified the contingent that accompanied the squad, that group fled back to the main level of the keep, unbeknownst to the main group. As the remaining 3 and Kyp the Scout Squire would search out the rest of the basement, eventually coming to a room, longer and wider than the rest, The back wall obscured by a lingering mist. As Melech and Sha'Dran entered they were attacked by a Giant centipede that lurched forward morphing into a hideous little beast, a quasiit, Hugh would eventually find out. Sha'dran would immediately cleave it in half, dispatching it. Something moved in the back of the huge room, disturbing the mist. Chains rattled at the back. As they entered further, another centipede would transform into a second beast, that screeched and terrified Melech who fled through the party into the previouse rooms. Sha'dran would dispatch another beast nearly immediately. Something still stirred at the back of the Mist. A huge aberration, Evil stitched to evil.... stitched to evil. A mass of various bodies and a collection of limbs sprouting from its body. Arms from different humanoids reached and swung at the Armor clad knights as they approached. The group would swing and hack and smash limbs and the body, Melech sunk arrows deep into the torso, as it continued to fight against the chains to reach them.   ~ The group had the beast at a disadvantage, it was restrained, chained to the wall, but when it did land a strike, it was devastating. A grasping claw would nearly rend through Sha'dran, wounding him terribly. Eventually Hugh would make his way around the mass, and find a head on the opposed side obscured by chitinous plates and strike it dead.   ~ Returning to the main level The group would plan to recuperate and investigate what they were dealing with. Hugh went to the library of the Commander, and then was suggested to go to the Chapel. This is where he found out the demons they were dealing with were quasits. Some quasit possessed slightly more abilities than others but they were low level mischievous demons from the abyss.
It would seem that some of the tools the group had found used in dug out tunnels may have been used in the experiments on these bodies. They were unable to uncover any scribings on any such beast as the composite creature in the basement. After eating the group took a full rest and began preparations to return at night.
Meanwhile The commander and the Lieutenant made arrangements to secure the keep and clear out any other of these undying walkers. One had been found wondering on the upper levels, and dispatched by the soldiers with haste.   ~ Sha'dran had made one final note while battling the behemoth mound, he heard a spell cast in the mist, that he was unable to identify, but he concluded Something was still in the basements, and if any Quasit remained, they would not be found if they didn't want to be.   ~After Getting a long rest our soldiers would wake to the ringing of alarm bells being rung. The Keep was under attack. Stirring to the sound, part of the group would rush downstairs, where troops were gathering and being assigned to various duties. Hugh, would arrive followed by Gortox and Melech. Offering the services of the group, not under the Commander's command, confused and unprepared, the soldiers of the Keep are warm to the idea of Paladin assistance.   The order of our knights would determine that the attacks on the keep, which they found were from dark amorphous masses that attacked from the shadows, they also found that those attacked and killed, sapped of all their strength, would rise as shadowy forms themselves. The first of those who died was Father Bastille, head chaplain of the keep. They concluded they must return to the basement to finish what they had started.   Delving back to the lower levels, and looking over some different paths, one blocked path which lead back to the Commander's chambers, and another which covered by illusion, was a destroyed grate leading out through a sewage way. Tracing back over their original path back through the basement, after a little run in with some nasty grubs, they back tracked all the way around towards the other grate, suspecting it may have clues, in magic. Un suspecting the whole time they were being followed by 3 shadows through the halls beneath the old keep. No avail, there was nothing unnatural about the critters within. What was new was a door that was just an empty doorway previously. The room was under a magical darkness, impossible for any man to see beyond, almost. Gortox, blessed with the Glory of the Maimed God, was blind to normal light, but had gifts, and boons that granted him the sight, that his Mighty Tyr, would see fit. There was nothing physical for him to see before him, until a glimpse, movement far down one of the corridors would give him direction.   Gortox would lead the way followed by Shadran and Hugh, and Melech would take the rear. That would prove to be an unfortunate decision. The shadows now in darkness were completely invisible and would attack Melech all at once, unaware he was even being attacked. several strikes would sap nearly all of his strength and he ran past his allies into the corridor. The shadows would pursue. another round of strikes left him nearly immobilized on the ground. Shadran would again begin to swing his blade, imbued with magic he cut through the shadow before him, he marched across the tunnel swinging his blade, he appeared to ignore the strikes from the shadows. He struck down another of the shadows, and Gortox blindly struck down another.   Everyone suffered loss of strength from the attack, but Melech suffered the worst. He was barely able to lift himself wearing his leather armor, raise a sword, or steady a bow. Yet something still stirred down the corridor. The group stops for a moment to catch their breath, and then...   ~After stopping for just a moment to gather themselves, Gortox blessed with the Glory Tyr, casts sanctuary, giving Melech some time to remove his armor. The Leather which was weighing him down, nearly beyond capacity.   Hugh would stay with Melech as Gortox and Sha'dran would investigate further. in the tunnels they crossed passed some sort of circle drawn in the ground, unidentifiable runes or letters etched in the dirt. They continued on to a the final room ahead of them, previously identified as some sort of living quarters for vermin or monsters in the basement no one knew were here.   Entering Gortox, with his unatural sight, identified two small demons in the room, unwittingly that one was invisable, and Sha'dran could see two as well but not the same two. An incorporeal demon of smoke or shadow stood in the room next to the visiable little quasit. Sha'dran dispatched of the little quasit almost immediately as it spit and hissed through his killing blow. Gortox struck the other little demon which seemed to shrug off the damage some. Then the room went dark.   Gortox was struck from behind, cold necrotic damage raced down his spine, while Sha'dran was struck with searing pain from claws in the darkness. The two would flail in the darkness unable to see, or sense the shadowy creatures as they attacked. Sha'dran heard a familiar *Fwip* he had identified earlier as the little quasit disapeared from their senses. Sha'dran bellowed for help, and Hugh advised Melech to stay behind, and marched, blindly, through the darkness.   THe 3 would fumble through a fight to the bitter end, with whatever swings they could muster, swinging wildly in the dark chamber at creatures that could neither be seen nor heard, for they had no real form, or substance. Several times they fell and were revived during the battle, running out of health and strength. Evil had the advantage, but melech would soon come to try and aid them.   He passed the runic circle on the ground in the first chamber, while he heard the others swinging and crashing in the next room. Melech would add to the rooms chaos, firing arrow after arrow into the darkness unsure of which ones hit or missed. in the darkness there was no way to know if one succeeded a strike or did damage successfully. Melech pleaded with his troop, they must retreat from the darkness.   Sensing great trouble from the level below, Lord Methramar gathered the two rangers who aided The Paladins earlier, Kyp and Dayle, and went into the basement in search of the Knights. He approached with his drift globe out, just as Melech stepped out of the shadows, "Hail!"
Sha'dran would drag Hugh's unconscious body fromt he darkness., as Gortox followed. Methramar a Knight of the Crown, would lay healing hands upon Hugh, waking him from near death. "Evil Endures"   "I am the weapon of Tyr." Sapped to the stregth of a child, he stood, and moved towards the room again, speaking his Oath, "It is my purpose to utterly destroy the purveyors of evil, and strike terror into the hearts of all who would bare witness."
He felt his strength incredibly begin to return, looked upon by his god. He felt envigored and marched into the room of shadow, now partially lit by the Driftglobe that Lord Methramar held. He walked into the darkness and swung his Huge Hammer, striking the Demon. Searing through its body with a blow of Holy Smite. The others would gather with him, one by one circling the Shadowy Demon, now lit by the Globes blinding light. The Demon recoiled, as the the Knights would wail upon his weakened body, blazing strikes decimated the demon as he exploded into beams of shadow that seemed to disipate into the walls.   "Only with your help, Tyr, can I live this life.   Help me Tyr"   Our troop of Knights would make their way back from the basement, along the way, Lord Methramar informed them Father Griffen had disappeared, took most of his belongings and left. He asked for their assistance in investigating the Chapel for clues, after they took a short rest and collected themselves, and muster a second wind, to begin searching the Chapel for clues.
~Inside the Chapel the group looked around checking the different chambers, Melech and Methramar would investigate the preperation chambers. Inside our Heros would find the evidence they needed to satisfy their doubts. Father Griffen was in league with demons and had created the abomonation in the basement.
Lord Commander Methramar Then thanked the Knights for their help and told them he had no coin to offer them but that they could choose a trinket of their desire from the basement treasures. He would also offer them a driftglobe and three geared up pack ponies, and a spyglass to help them along their journey. He told the group to get some food from the Can't Mess and ask for the lords wine. The group had only recently awoken from a full days sleep and took another moderate short rest, but after drunk on the Lords wine, found themselves incredibly sleepy and would get a full nights rest.

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Rauvinwatch Keep
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